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If I rez something (i am thinking fireworks) on a friends land can i loose the item?


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If I rez something (i am thinking fireworks) on a friends land can i loose the item? I am only worried about them maybe getting mad at me for something (I don't see that happening but you never know). Or maybe the rent does not get paid for some reason. I do not want to loose my stuff so any tips on this would be great! If I posted this in the wrong place I am sorry. I am very new to sl forums. Just say and I will move it to the right place.

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1 answer to this question

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Nobody can delete your items (unless you give them special permission). They can only "return" them, which means they'll be gone from where they were in world and end up in a "lost-and-found" folder in your inventory. The same thing would happen if the rent doesn't get paid - when the landlord takes back the land the items on it will be returned, not deleted.

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