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Vehicle door script

cdf114 Zenfold

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hello again another script problem trying to mod this free script i have to be linkable and a 1 prim door and for a boat i am building i have tried putting i  new lines for it but still no luck if anyone could help that would be great

// If door is locked, the name of the avatar who locked it.
// If door is not locked, the empty string ("").
string gLockedBy = "";

// This number must match the channel number of the lock
// and unlock objects you want to use. If multiple doors
// have the same channel, then a single lock can lock all of
// them at once.
integer gLockChannel = 243;

llSay(0, "Door 1.0");
llListen(gLockChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
state closed;

state closed
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if (channel == gLockChannel)
if (message == "")
gLockedBy = "";
//llTriggerSound("door unlock", 10.0);
llSay(0, "unlocked");
gLockedBy = message;
//llTriggerSound("door lock", 10.0);
llSay(0, "locked");

touch_start(integer total_number)
string name = llDetectedName(0);
if (name == gLockedBy || gLockedBy == "")
llTriggerSound("Door open", 0.3);

rotation rot = llGetRot();
rotation delta = llEuler2Rot(<0,0,PI/4>);
rot = delta * rot;
rot = delta * rot;
state open;
llTriggerSound("Door knock", 0.3);

state open
touch_start(integer num)
llTriggerSound("Door close", 0.3);

rotation rot = llGetRot();
rotation delta = llEuler2Rot(<0,0,-PI/4>);
rot = delta * rot;

rot = delta * rot;

state closed;

thank you for reading 

C. Zenfold

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A question like this really belongs in the LSL Scripting forum, which is set up for exactly this purpose.  This particular script is probably not the best one for what you want, though.  If you want a simple linkable door, take a look in the LSL Scripting library at this free script >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Simple-Hinge-Action/td-p/875331 It's about as simple as they come.  It's well suited for a one-prim door, linked or not.

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