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Why can't I place things in my home?

Rika Trottier

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1 answer to this question

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This is a known problem.  See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7902.   The Linden Lab techs are aware of it and ar working on a permanent solution.  Until then, though, here's a bit of advice from others who have posted to that JIRA....

"Try rezzing in the exact center of your Linden Home, on either the first or second floor. Do not try to rez anywhere near the walls or the edges of the property, or you will receive the error message we've all come to know and hate. This has worked for me; I can now rez things in the center of my home, and move them wherever I want them to be.

With no copy items, it's a little trickier, but I've found this to work: first, try rezzing a copy item, and see if it rezzes in a given spot. Leave it there. Then rez the no copy object right next to it. Be sure it's near the center of the room, as far from the walls as possible. I was able to rez no copy objects safely using this method. Just test the spot first with a copy object and then proceed with the no copy item."

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