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Yes, I'm thinking something like facebook for smartphones but including smart chat-bots courtesy of LittleTextPeople.  That way instead of wondering if all the 'friends' you have are real friends or not you'll know they fake and won't even have to bother logging in.  What a timesaver!

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Before LL announces any new toys it would help if they made sure the olds ones work and the program they hang them on is stable, which it is not now.  As for the economy at the moment LL does not dare report on it because the problems they and the new toys they tried to introduce made sl so unstable that it barely survived and drove what was left of the economy into the ditch.  That may not matter to you, but those who have worked to build the economy and society are concerned and if you and your "friends" in LL had any sense you would be too, because these are the people LL depends upon both for the huge fees they pay for service they do not get, and the creative thrust they give to the society and economy in general, and if you or they looked at current statistics compared to those of a year ago you would find they are rapidly leaving sl and as they leave SL looses enormously.  But, keep your toys and when you are all alone with a pack of new players who will leave in weeks I hope you are as happily complacent as you are not.

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Shouldn't the thread title just read: 'No Second Life Economy in 2012'?

I can imagine that written on a whiteboard in some boardroom there as management directive.

Maybe a bit hush-hush so certain lower level Lindens don't know.

We're all just 'herd animals' anyway. We just want to be safe. An economy is only for 'big guys'... much too good for us.

We don't need it because everyone loves working for free.

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lol :catvery-happy: all jokes (punctuation returned to normal, its good!)... thanks for the reminder too by the way!

It is a great idea to remind people every quarter there is no report coming from the lab.

Residents didn't want to see any economy information apparently. It's just too confusing for our poor little minds.

So its always a relief to know its not coming.

If I see you forget in some future quarter to remind everyone, I'll be sure to remind them :catwink:

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You can still get some of the info here. 


I all so noticed that there was no blog post for the new Premium gift, it would appear that LL has stopped communicating with us on the blog, if so then I think they should just get rid of the blog page, it looks bad to have no activity there.  I think the real test of how LL is still communicating with us will be SLCC 2012.  I hope they explain at SLCC why they don't communicate any more, if they even let us know about the event.

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It's difficult to plan ahead when there is zero transparency.

Thanks for the links! Any info is useful in trying to decrypt what's going on. This site is useful for tracking daily concurrency.

Although when I hear lately Lindens doing 'stress tests' with bot software on some sims, potentially invalidates even this simple metric :catindifferent:

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

It's difficult to plan ahead when there is zero transparency.

Thanks for the links! Any info is useful in trying to decrypt what's going on. This site is useful for tracking

Although when I hear lately Lindens doing 'stress tests' with bot software on some sims, potentially invalidates even this simple metric :catindifferent:

back a week or so ago when we had that big crash and the system down the next Monday too for more fixes, when no one could log in, I thought it was strange that the concurrency both days bottomed out at around 12,000.  Made me wonder if LL has that many bots.

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Alexi Raynier wrote:

..the program they hang them on is stable...

No, no, no, you're missing the point.  LL has completely lost interest in SL.  Their new products are totally separate.  They might even work (although only if LittleTextPeople can keep LL's staff away from them).

There's no economic report for SL because LL can't be bothered to compile one.  Even if they did they wouldn't bother to post it here.  We don't count.  SL doesn't count.  Things only get banged on when they stop working at all.  Anything that is even vaugely working some of the time is good enough.  Newbies join from twitter and facebook all the time.  They hand-over their premium fee for a house (where rezzing doesn't work) and leave when they can't work out how to play dressing-up.  The brilliant bit is LL get paid and these idiots never even find out most of SL doesn't work!

Business models on the internet:

  • If we make a web site people might pay for our things online (bricks & clicks)
  • If we make a web site that's fun or interesting people might pay to advertise their stuff
  • If we let people make our web site for us people might pay to advertise stuff and we don't have to do much work (web 2)
  • If we let people make anything people will pay us to let them do it!
  • If we let people make anything and do our customer-support, testing and QA people will STILL pay us to let them do it and we don't have to do ANY work (Linden Lab)

It's interesting you should talk about 'current statistics' though - where are you getting those from?

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phaedra Exonar wrote:

back a week or so ago when we had that big crash and the system down the next Monday too for more fixes, when no one could log in, I thought it was strange that the concurrency both days bottomed out at around 12,000.  Made me wonder if LL has that many bots.

Yeah! Really who knows? Bots can crash too & automated systems will boot them back up. At least we know they don't have more bots than 55,000 because then there would be almost no other humans findable to talk to anywhere on the grid.

Without quarterly reports with stats like PMLF, new signups etc, & zero other communication as to product direction... the most ludicrous scenarios could be happening & we are none the wiser. When even their blog falls silent, we have to wonder what's up? If they'd had a recent history of awesome, I'd think they must be doing something awesome, but I can't push myself to be that optimistic judging from current state of SL & when I know they are working on non-SL-related projects.



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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Oh stop fussing about SL, no-one's interested in that old rubbish any more.  
Ignore this one and let it die

When will LL be announcing their new toys, that's what we all want to know.  That's why we all watch twitter 24/7.

oh i haven't been able to use one of these pics in a while..hehehe


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