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Avatar Mesh / Skeleton Structure Questions


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Hi -


I'm trying to understand how the mesh forms to the skeleton -

Can the SL skeleton be manipulated as far as thickness /diameter and does this have an effect on how the mesh is supported around the bones -

In a human the bones / muscles support the mesh "skin" and help determine the shape /features -

Does the SL skeleton / mesh have the same relationship?

 If so - what factors determine how the mesh is supported above/around the bones / skeleton?

Not sure if weighting plays a part as I thought that just determines the area of mesh that moves with a joint movement

I'm just standing in a default pose and the mesh in my case does not form to the bones as expected -

Certain  areas seem to be collapsed  like there is no mesh /skin support structure -

Are there uniform vertices of equal height  that extend to support the mesh?

Any insight to these relationships to help me better grasp this is appreciated !






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Hi, I've done all my rigging in blender and have played around with it a bit. So far I have been able to successfully manipulate the skeleton to move bones around and stretch them. I've made tiny avatars this way. Its quite a lot of fun to do but still has a few position problems when you get too tiny lol.

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