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How do i add furniture and things to my house?


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I have a Premium membership with a free house. I go to shop and buy free things, like furniture and things. But I can not for a life of me figure out how to add them in my house. I had read everything that I can find on how to do it. So can someone tell me how to do it. I can add nothing to my home. I do not know for sure how to put items in my home. I read everything I could find on it. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

PS. It will not let me Reply to this.ided to work.

Thanks for the help. All of the sudden it decided to work. So I now got some furniture in my house

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You don't explain if your problem is you DON'T KNOW how put objects in your Linden Home or if your problem is you CANNOT put objects in your Linden Home.

If you don't know how. drag the object from your inventory to the floor.

If you cannot, is this your problem?: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/I-can-not-add-any-furniture-or-rez-anything-inside-my-linden/qaq-p/1530277

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