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How do I upload deformer mesh?

Snow Bristol

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I wanted to mess around with the mesh deformer, so I downloaded the the Mesh Deformer test viewer: Second Life 3.3.1 (255595) May  3 2012 06:37:36 (Project Viewer - Deformer) - STORM-1716 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Downloading_test_builds

I installed the viewer, then went to the beta grid to upload some rigged mesh in the interest of seeing how it would deform. In the upload window under the 'Upload options' tab I ticked 'Include skin weight' and 'Deform to avatar shape'.

uploader 1.JPG

Once the mesh is uploaded and attached to my avatar, it just acts as a normal rigged mesh and does not deform to the 'Body fat' slider when I go to Edit Shape.

deformer 2.jpg

Question 1: Why doesn't the mesh deformer work or even effect my rigged mesh?

Question 2: Do I need to rig the mesh in a particular way for the deformer to work?

Question 3: Are there additional check boxes that I need to tick in the uploader window other than 'Include skin weight' and 'Deform to avatar shape'?


Thanks you in advance, you wonderful people.

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The mesh deformer is still in Early ALPHA  Stages. . From Reading the Wiki

it states

STORM-1716 Mesh Deformer

This viewer implements an alpha version of a deformer for mesh clothing. This is a very early version - clothing should not be designed on the assumption that the transformations in the this viewer will remain stable. It is made available only to explore the feature and its limits; report results in STORM-1716 please.
Make sure you are on the right regions that support the deformer. also
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I've just seen in the release notes for the latest Cool VL, which includes the deformer, that

Please, note that since v0
3 is out, the mesh
seems to suffer from an issue: the
-ready meshes are only deformed properly the second time they are worn in the session (i.e.
have to wear the rigged mesh, take it off and wear it again).
has been made aware of this issue (as well as of the crash bug I fixed).

Could that be the reason?


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