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Anyone else having problems?

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Quite a few more reports than usual coming up of failed logins, rez failures, etc, etc.  SL has finally collapsed under its own weight

Hasn't it always? I've read up on everything there is to know about LL and SL from talking with people who don't even use it anymore. I am new, but some people accuse me of not being new. I actually like reading and being informed of things.

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Jacki and the others on this thread, your issues are hardly puzzling, nor is it part of some devious plan by Linden Lab (that would require more native intelligence than they possess as an entity).  On the Grid Status Page a couple of days ago, Linden Lab announced three long sessions of "maintenance", running from 6pm until 2am SLT (PDT).  That issues existed outside of these times seems unsurprising, with the Linden apes "Banging on things" for the last two days!

My last spell in SL in the UK evening of Thursday May 10th (roughly 1-4pm PDT) included such delights as inability to stand from poseballs (beach towels), a friend unable to successfully log in despite thre attempts all of which we painfully observed, and finally the ultimate indignity of being cast into SL limbo when on another poseball, despite being perfectly visible to others.

Maybe...just maybe things will calm down after the third session which occurred in our UK night today, we shall see.  It seems to me that we are currently in some kind of Linden Lab produced timewarp back to 2008.  I just hope I don't see signs of Mark Kingdon returning to The Lab.

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This is disingenous. Failed teleports and random logouts have happend the last several years. But recent changes have made it a much more visible problem since only sometimes will it work.

Seems also be for some reason dependent on the avatar. Some of my avis have next to no problem, some have failures at least over 50%. Maybe its what scripts they run or what stuff they wear, i have no idea, i do know however that failures are frequent. and pretty much pointless to report since its our crappy local internet anyway.....

There is a pattern to it also but no longer so easy to spot since the two servers you try to move between have been made quite anonymous. You have to go through some hoops to find out that you try to teleport into a development server run sim or not.

Each time apologists pipe up the choir that its your useless local internet that is the big culprit.

Im sorry but that explanation failed to be cool years ago

When you fail at teleport. Do this.

Logout. (which it usually does anyway) But if the logout after failed tp failed, help it on its way by loggging out.

Now tell the viewer which region you wish to start in. Give this as for example   Help Island Public/125/124/27

or wherever it was you failed to teleport.


Yes no problem at all to go to your target.

Its just the teleport function that is broken.

Starting at the spot works.

Getting tired to logout and in all the time so thinking its time that the teleporting starts to live up to its advertised function.


While your at it fix the bug that sometimes cause the teleport bar to not display a "Cancel" button while its busy, leaving you no option but to kill the viewer process to get out of it.


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loveyousophy wrote:


While your at it fix the bug that sometimes cause the teleport bar to not display a "Cancel" button while its busy, leaving you no option but to kill the viewer process to get out of it.



^ This ^



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Kylie and  Loveyousophy

I may be wrong but my guess is that the reason that the "cancel" option vanishes is that the server you are leaving has handed your data off and SL no longer knows where you should return to.

This is a failure in server-to-server communication, and should be fixable by Linden Lab.  I heartily agree, it is a very necessary fix.:smileymad:

I don't mind forced-TP by my Domina, but I object to SL doing it!


PS:  Looking at PeterCanessa's post above...I really hope that is NOT the case, but I fear that he may be correct.

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loveyousophy wrote:


Each time apologists pipe up the choir that its your useless local internet that is the big culprit.

Im sorry but that explanation failed to be cool years ago



Uncool or not it IS the answer nearly all the time.  SL is very broken at the moment, or has been recently, but most teleport failures are either down to someone's internet connection or because they are wearing hundreds of attachments/scripts.  For the first half of last year I was using the worst possible internet for SL, mobile broadband (US: cell-phone).  Happily enough it worked reasonably well as long as I stayed in a single area.  The one thing it REALLY hated though was making a new connection to another server.  Ping times could go to 17s or so, occassionally 30s!  At that point SL just kicks you out.

There is a huge extra overhead involved in region-crossings.  When you are moving from one region to the next SL at least 'sees it coming', to the extent that you've already downloaded the objects and textures in range.  With TPs that isn't the case.  Everything is from scratch and it's murder on a bad connection.

However I'm not an apologist and I think it's clear there are a lot of server and infrastructure problems going on with SL at the moment.  As I have often said, SL is layer upon layer of add-ons, fixes and patches, a lot of which were never properly implemented anyway.  To an extent it's all an ongoing beta-test and has only ever reached beta (ie; pre-release) quality.  That's why no-one relies on it, no business wants much to do with it and it's not much use except for hobbies.  What SL has never had, but sorely needs, is a complete ground-up redesign and rebuild.  LL have led the way in virtual worlds and have tried a lot of things that did and didn't work.  SL as a platform needs the mistakes cleaned away.  This extended period of planned and unplanned maintenance might just convince LL to do it.

Before that though LL are all concentraing on their new products.  Until those appear no-one's interested in SL any more.

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I may be wrong, but as I understand it the information for friends and groups is channelled to the avatar (viewer) via the sim server, so if it is having issues then things like friends lists and groups will load badly or not at all.

Additionally, the main servers that distribute such info to the sim server might be failing (I assume that at least SOME of this massive remedial "maintenance" is to do with that).

It is also worth remembering that while your sim might be script light, it is not the only one on the server and others might be hogging server memory.

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TP fails are usually one of 3 things; too many scripts; either departing or arriving sim is busy/laggy giving poor handoff; or poor communications/net connection, including DNS fail or bandwidth set too high. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_tp_fail 

Friends list empty is another sign of DNS fail - see http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_empty_friends_list

These links are relevant whichever viewer you're using, though some prefs locations may differ.

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hi.. im very new in SL like 2 weeks.. and this is the first time i had this problem.. i  log on in SL but i cant see my AV, is showing like a bright light but otrher people can see my av, i cleaned  cachet log off , turned off my pc.. i dont what else to do..please help.


thank you. Sparkle

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I've been having a bit of trouble today as well - logging in has been going smoothly, but tping to different locations has me getting logged off; if not immediately, after the region tries loading for a couple minutes.  I have a strong internet connection so I know that isn't the problem.  I'm going to just try and wait it out, get some work done and hopefully it will be up and working smoothly by tonight!  

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The teleport problem seems fixed now on the RC channels so expect a fix on the main channel soon.  The rest though is still a mess and getting worse and is now back to where it was a few months ago before the restart team began a serious effort to fix things.  It is funny have in a short time engineering can totally destroy months of work with a few ill considers changes and sad that they lack the nerve to admit their mistakes or the ability to fix what they have destroyed.  In the end probably the best they could do is apologize, but that is a likely to happen as it is for them actually making things permanently stable.

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Strange that TP on RC channels should be fixed since from what we are told by Oskar and from my own investigation we were rollled back onto the previous week's server software, the threaded region-crossing patch having proven to be a sim-crasher (again).

As to just what the SL apes were banging on last week (official version the Debian Linux OS again: unofficial version take your pick) I really have no idea now.

LL apologise?  What for, there's nothing wrong! /sarcasm off.:matte-motes-evil:

I think we have to accept that SL just took a massive two-year backward step, and now we shall see the upshot.

Oh...BTW chaps, I didn't have to log on to post this!!

Edit: Someone said in one of the groups that SL was going to Hell in a handcart...I asked whether the handcart was stable, or whether rather like SL a wheel would come off?


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I cannot say I'm surprised that the teleporting issues haven't been fixed yet.  Disappointed, however.  I've tried everything, cleared my cache, lowered my settings, checked my connection.  I've been able to teleport maybe once or twice, but eventually my bandwidth hits 0 after a couple of minutes, and I can't seem to figure out what's causing it - which leads me to believe that it's definitely an SL issue.  Was really in the mood to spend some time in world tonight, but I'll take it as a sign that it's time to sit down with a good book and appreciate the weekend sans the computer.  :catindifferent:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Upon returning to secondlife after a few years away, I am usually unable to teleport anywhere at peak times now, between 2pm and 10pm GMT. Virgin Media throttle bandwidth to nothing, which means all my teleports fail.

Many games and services are not throttled but it seems second life is for whatever reason.

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