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Are there sites that simulate 8 hour work day

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Sorry but I'm not sure what an 8 hour work day looks like.  In RL, days are 24 hours.  Most 8 hour work days are all sunlight hours during the summer. 

What exactly are you looking for??  If you simply want the SL day (which is 4 hours long) to be daylight all the time, thats a very easy thing to do assuming you own or control a private sim.  Plus anyone can override a region's day setting in their viewer, assuming you don't have sim control.


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I am looking for sites that trains people to work 8 hour shifts. I saw a video of a SL site that trains people to be nurses, but I don't think it simulates actual work shifts. Learning how to sustain ones energy, conposure and good customer service for an entire work day is something that can and should be simulated

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I'm not sure that's a good idea. An 8 hour work (office) day should include a balanced variety of activities to keep the brain engaged - various computer tasks, answering phones, running errands, meetings, recreation, etc. Most importantly regular breaks from the computer.

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neiljacobson wrote:

I am looking for sites that trains people to work 8 hour shifts. I saw a video of a SL site that trains people to be nurses, but I don't think it simulates actual work shifts. Learning how to sustain ones energy, conposure and good customer service for an entire work day is something that can and should be simulated

If you can't sustain energy, drink more coffee.

If you can't maintain your composure, Try meditating.

If you can't sustain good customer service, don't work with people.

It's called RL. One usually starts to learn this stuff at 14 when they get their first after school job.

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I am consulting with a group that received a grant to determine if SL might be useful in training people with disabilities, including person with a developmental disability to get employed. about 80% of people with disabilities in the US are unemployed. One of the barriers is lack of work experience - not havng opportunities to experience 8-hr work days. I was hoping there were simulation sites on SL we could use as models

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You could use sl To Set up any environment you want. Perhaps start a management business with the grant . Develop club or business managaers to help magae Sl businesses like clubs, Real Estate businesses. Estate managers etc etc. Some of these positions require a manager to be around 8 hours to ease the burden of the owners . The pay wont be that great but they can earn while they learn . You could compensate them with the grant as well. But I think it is a great way for learning

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to answer this one so late in the game and so long, but this would actually be very easy to do. Costly, but pretty easy to set up. You'll need to create it yourself though or the business would. As far as I know nothing like this exists in sl, but I could be wrong. You may find someone willing to lend out their land, or business, for such exercises as well. Never hurts to ask.

You need property, a full sim would work very nicely for this, but any size at all would do.I say full sim because you'll have more prims, and be able to set up more areas and you won't have to worry about sharing the sim resources with others. This depends entirely on your needs.

You need a business. For this sort of training I would recommend multiple businesses, or areas. It really can be any kind of business at all. Anything from a retail location, to an office setting, to a janitorial or maintenance job, even a club setting could be beneficial, sky's the limit. You'll need all the stuff that would go with such a business too. For retail location you'dd need stuff to sell which could help lower costs too. For office settings you'll need that stuff. I think you get the hint. With the sort of script masters Sl has you can easily find things that will fit your needs. By that I mean furniture and products and such that will simulate what you need them to.

You need people. By this I do not mean the people you are going to train, I mean people to act. Sure you can hopefully count on regular traffic(ie, experience) but that may not pan out right away. You'll want to hire people on as customers, or whatever ti interract with your employees. You'll want these people to be able to act both nice, and not so nice, to your employees. If your goal is to offer actual simulated training, those experiences will be necessary.

Of your employees you will need to require certain things for certain jobs. You can test their ability to interact verbally(textually I guess) with other employees, their employer and the customers. You can test their ability to spend a certain amount of time in front of a computer-not always an easy task. By giving them tasks every so often that require their full attention you can almost guarantee they'll have to be sitting there to complete them(this is how you sort out those who get up and walk away from those who don't). You can test their ability to multitask or at least handle multiple tasks for the day. Many things you could train for in real life can be done virtually in sl, you just have to get creative. If the business is truly interested in something like this, SL is a viable place for such training. It's just a matter of getting the ideas down, and getting to work on them. Also, like I said, it might be costly at first. Well for some it might, I don't know what sort of finances you're working with. If you don't have much, I'd talk to actual business and property owners and see what they might be able to offer for your needs. You may run into issues with hiring people to work as actors, and retaining them. Many will sign up, not all will stay and plenty of them will suck at their job. So it's hit or miss there. Be prepared for problems.

A group that used to help people with rl social issues used to have something similar here in sl. They had a full sim with all kinds of things for their group members to go to and work their way through their issues, and they used paid actors. They closed up shop a couple years ago though and I don't remember what their name was. I think it just got too costly, wouldn't surprise me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember watching an interview with an organization that did something similar on Treat TV.  I'm almost sure it was on Tonite Live.  I didn't find anything in the quick scan I did of the episodes just now, but it's there.  They took things a step further and even employed people through the SL environment so they didn't have to leave their homes. 

There are over 20 pages of episodes to go through but you might just find a valuable resource. 

Tonite Live Episodes

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