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Is it illegal for people to sell us for lindens?


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Hello, I am inquiring because I went to a sim and now I am up for sale for linden dollars.  I was told this activity is illegal but cannot get a straight answer from anyone.  I am just inquiring as to the legalities of this situation.  Thank you.


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I do not know if its illegal or not but it ought to be.  We are living in a modern world shaped by sacrafices made by men in the Civil War and women throughout history fighting for equal rights for women.  It is such a shame that Second Life panders to such derelicts by giving them a place in which depicts women as no more worthy than to be sex objects and ownded pieces of property.  But somehow the Lindens still allow for the exploitation of women.

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You may be talking about some of the role play sims that are based on the fantasy civilization of Gor, which you can read about on Wikipedia.  They have some very strict rules for their own members, but are quite careful to avoid behavior that would violate TOS in any way.  You can choose to take part in their role play or not -- just like all of the other lifetyle choices you are free to make in SL.  If you don't want to be part of it, just walk away and find another place that is more to your liking.

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It's not illegal, but no one can force you to participate if you don't want to.

What you have encountered is a "slave market".  You can find these in Gorean and BDSM role play areas.

Some people enjoy being "slaves".  Besides the role play, there are often financial advantages.  Some slave markets give the slave a part of the sale proceeds (though not usually.  You're a SLAVE, after all!)  Owners are generally expected to provide for their slaves...and in fact, a common complaint of owners is, "I spent a fortune on skins, clothes, and hair to make my slave beautiful, and then she ran off on me!"  That's a dirty trick to play on someone, but it does happen.

Done in good faith on both sides, owner/slave roleplay can be fun for both parties.  And I say this despite the fact that I'm completely opposed to real life slavery in any form.

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too funny. So why do you still have a slave auction group in your picks? Same one that Tarasha has. Funny how the two of you have so much in common. Except of course, she is less than a week old. She provided a nice setup for your slave rant. And its just yours and her's first posts here. WOW what a coincidence!

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Exploitation? How, when they can walk away at any time?

Women? Why, when there are male slaves too?

Civil Way? What have the roundheads that instituted a military dictatorship got to do with civil liberties?

Illegal? Consenting adults doing in private what can't hurt anyone, including them?

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As far as i know it is perfectly legal as long as there is consensus between both the seller, the buyer, and the slave; and unfortunately for the buyer the slave has all rights to leave the slavery at any time; i am not sure why a buyer would agree to buy but there are enough idiots everywhere.

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