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Exact COPY of store description in search

Shahi Paneer

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If my store comes up at the top of the search engine results because of its traffic and the description used for the land and another person copies the EXACT description and puts it in his land description to  jump up in the search listing, what is to be done? It is NOT  set of keywords but whole sentences. I dont want to change my description because it suits my products perfectly. I dont want people to be mis-led by the description of the one who copied mine and tp to that other land. Please help. 

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I suppose you could report it to the LL.  If you do,  I would  suggest you provide them with proof  that you used this information first and if you have these "sentences" copyrighted and/or trademarked.   Now whether LL can/will doing anything is a different story.  You might want to speak with the other person you have issue with. 

Unfortunately, it is a dog eat dog world out there when it comes to enticing in traffic, and I am not aware that the same descriptions, keywords, sentences have to be different from sim to sim, venue to venue.   Personally, I wish they would do away with traffic numbers in search.  It is too easy for people to falsely inflate their traffic numbers.

Good Luck!


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Users normally do not do this on purpose. I have been a victim of this several times. Where they  leave a store or place. The land info gets stuck in their viewer. When they open theirs to edit or change music URL. your info can get saved in their  land settings. When this occurs you can tp to several places and their music stays with you also. it can enter the same info from the last region because the system did not hand off the info correctly. I have seen my Descriptions in search before and every time this was the case


Perhaps you should talk to this resident and see if this may be the problem. He or she may not be aware that this had happened


I tripped out one day when I left somones store. I went  to my region to get back to work and decided to change my music info. I changed it and then it didnt change in my viewer. So I opened the land tools and was shocked to see everything was the same as the last place I had left.  When I changed the music. All the info and land settings stayed trapped in my viewer and when I closed it and saved everything. It entered that info into my land settings. Description and all. All the way down to the Land "Show In Places"  Image, came with it and got placed into my settings. This has happened several times using phoenix viewer..  I was totaly shocked and didnt know how it happened. It took me several misshaps to finally figure out what was going on

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Traffic has just a very minor effect in search rankings.  It is relevancy that counts the most.  If your still using an old viewer based on SLV1 or Snowglobe, such as Phoenix, you may see search results ranked by traffic, but newer viewers no longer show results that way.

As far as your description, I don't think there is anything you can do if the other merchant won't cooperate, unless you have the description trademarked or copyrighted in RL, which I really don't think is possible.  You can only trademark a store name, and slogans in relation to the products or services you offer. That is why Apple in relation to computers and electronics could be trademarked when Apple in relation to the recording studio already existed.  I don't think a mere few line description can be copyrighted and if it could,I doubt it would be worth the expense. While copyrights don't rely on official registration to be enforceable, the burden would be on you to prove that you were the first person ever to write that specific combination of words, not just in SL but anywhere.

This falls into the category of a dispute between residents and LL will not get involved with it.

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I should think the first step would be to politely ask the other party to refrain from using an essentially identical piece of text, and to let them know that LL will also have received an exact copy of your polite request, simply as a point of good form.

It's certainly nicer to imagine that if someone only does something like this one time, it might easily be the kind of mistake they are willing to correct without any unpleasantness.



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Unfortunately I don't think there is much you can do unless they are using your company name in their description. This happens all the time in real world searches on Google. My business gets copied all the time and it's so frustrating. But they do it for competition. Unfortunately, we've never been able to do anything legally about it and I doubt LL would do anything either. I'd definitely contact them and just politely tell them that you are aware of the copying and would like them to modify their description. Although...I'm curious what sentences are because there are times when someone selling the exact same thing can just about replicate their description on accident just because it's a natural way to speak about their products. Do you know how many website company's out there have "We are the premier website design company" simply because everyone calls themselves that?

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LOL Don't worry - I once had someone not only copy my description, but use a script to replicate every single prim on my  parcel and reproduce them on theirs. (This was back when search was more prim name based).

I've also (still) got an affiliate who copied my parcel desc to try to compete with me in search lol.

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