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why I see other avatars clothes like this?

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Mariha Kalinakov wrote:


sometimes the hair
other avatars
i see
like box
but with
hair texture



Only happends with phoenix viewer .


Please solutions!!!!





Those avatars are wearing mesh & you dont have a mesh enabled viewer ...

Thing is tho .. that mesh enabled viewers are processor intensive .. so unless you have a newer highend computer .. your fps will drop way down if you use a viewer that allows you to see mesh correctly ..

So as for me .. i just put up w/ seeing those ovals .. to me thats better than having fps so low that motion is all jerky


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The impact of mesh on fps depends a lot on you computer, and it also depends on the viewer version.  The first mesh viewers had a big negative fps impact on my old computer, the later versions ran as fast  as non-mesh.   My new computer runs all the mesh viewers I've tried on it faster than the pre mesh versions.  So, you really ought to try the latest viewers, you might be pleasantly surprised.  You can always uninstall them if they dont work well on your machine.

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Rhys Goode wrote:

The impact of mesh on fps depends a lot on you computer, and it also depends on the viewer version.  The first mesh viewers had a big negative fps impact on my old computer, the later versions ran as fast  as non-mesh.   My new computer runs all the mesh viewers I've tried on it faster than the pre mesh versions.  So, you really ought to try the latest viewers, you might be pleasantly surprised.  You can always uninstall them if they dont work well on your machine.

Thanks Rhys ... i have a mesh skirt & like it alot .. but seldom wear it cuzuv the fps thing .. as far as i know i have the latest Firestorm version: 4.something .. dont remember & cant open it to check from work .. but unless i want to wear that skirt or see mesh i usually use the FS beta v2.something .. with it my fps is usually @ least 20 & can be as hi as 40 - 45 if im alone on a sim w/out too many scripted objects .. w/ FS v4 mesh enabled fps is always around 7 .. also .. using the beta i can run SL twice & bring my alt in .. cant do that w/ v4 .. even if im using v4 & my alt is on w/ v2 .. even if im not wearing my mesh skirt .. ill check to see if theres a newer version of FS but im pretty sure i have the latest .. its just that my puter is old .. it was a state uv the art gaming puter ... like mebbe 7 or 8 yrs ago .. if mesh is going to force 10s of thousands of ppl to upgrade their hardware i dont think mesh is goin2 catch on .. who can afford a new puter just so they can view mesh ?!?!


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JeanneAnne wrote:

if mesh is going to force 10s of thousands of ppl to upgrade their hardware i dont think mesh is goin2 catch on .. who can afford a new puter just so they can view mesh ?!?!


There will always be content creators who cannot or choose not to create mesh objects.  As far as mesh catching on, it is happening.  Use the viewers that work for you as long as you can.  No one is going to force you to upgrade your hardware.  I agree with a prior poster who suggests you check out some of the newer versions that are mesh-enabled.  The hit on fps is less.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

if mesh is going to force 10s of thousands of ppl to upgrade their hardware i dont think mesh is goin2 catch on .. who can afford a new puter just so they can view mesh ?!?!


There will always be content creators who cannot or choose not to create mesh objects.  As far as mesh catching on, it is happening.  Use the viewers that work for you as long as you can.  No one is going to force you to upgrade your hardware.  I agree with a prior poster who suggests you check out some of the newer versions that are mesh-enabled.  The hit on fps is less.

It's kinda ironic Venus .. cuz i bought that mesh skirt awhile back & when i was 1st wearing it i got complaints about it .. ppl asked what that oval thing was .. a guy dancing near me told me to quit hitting him w/ that oval thing that was on me .. stuff like that .. i agree that mesh is slowly starting to catch on .. now you may see 1 or 2 ppl wearing mesh in a busy club whereas a couple months ago you mightuv seen 1 or no ppl wearing it .. most ppl @ least ~OP notw/standing~ now know what those weird looking boxy looking things are .. id love for mesh to catch on so long as ppls' systems can handle it .. ill check to see if theres a newer Firestorm version than the 1 i have .. altho im pretty sure i have the latest .. best wishes !!


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For my computer it is the opposite.  The first mesh viewer I tried was fine and I did not notice any difference in usability between it and the older pre-mesh Firestorm I had been using.  Of the more recent mesh viewers I've tried,  2 are unusable on my computer with frames being hopelessly slow, screen black outs and crashes hopelessly common, and adding or removing texture or prim clothes from my avatar highly unreliable.  One recent mesh I've tried is usable but like going back in time to 2010 when I had half the broadband speed and it was commonplace to see attachments floating disconnected in space.  It takes forever for things to load and other avatars are all grey to me in this viewer as is mostly everything unless I hang around for an hour waiting for stuff to load.  Even then, a good quarter of everything in view distance is often still dully grey.


I really wish I'd kept the Firestorm mesh viewer I had initially but I have no idea what version it was.

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