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Standing up in a boat

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I have (3) boats from Star Bay; the Hurricane 300 Yacht, the Hurricane 100 power boat and the Oceanis 100 sailboat.  They are beautiful, but they require you to 'wear' them as attachments so to speak.

Every time I'm out sailing or powerboat, and I want to stop, and stand up, the boats de-rez right out from under me (on the Blake Sea).  It tells me the group will not allow rezzing. 

Is there a way to overcome this?, it seems silly to have boats that have 'below decks', and not even be able to use them.  Perhaps a gadget of some kind that will override the rezing privilege?  I'm not on someone's land, I'm in the middle of the Blake, which I thought, was owned by Linden Labs?

Any help or input would be appreciated.


Tommy Mulberry


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is there anything in the menu for the boat that will let you walk around..i know horses have it where we can get off them and walk them..

is wearing it the only option you can use? or can you rez it and then click on it and have the option to ride?

my cars have that but i also can wear them as well..

i really only have the sailboat from lindens so far..but i am interested about this as well because i want to get one as well..

i'm sure someone aroudn here will have some better answers since really all i did was ask questions anyways lol



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The way vehicles are set up in SL the "vehicle" itself (the part that has the ability to fly/sail/drive) can only be around 30 prims (mesh vehicles are somewhat different but still limited.) To make detailed vehicles some makers add a wearable attachment that makes the vehicle look more detailed, but it's technically part of your avatar and not the vehicle. This is probably how your "below decks" area works. For display purposes both the attachment and the vehicle can be rezzed together. You can then walk freely around the vehicle but in this state it can't be flown/sailed/driven and to do this you need to have rezzing rights in the parcel (the "vehicle" essentially becomes a house in this state.) There isnt' really a way around this. Blake Sea regions typically have a rezzing area in one corner. 

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I've seen bigger boats that doen't have that problem though.  I don't rez on the public areas, I have land on the Blake so I rez from my dock.  I would think that LL would make the Blake a free rez area though.  I do have the same question into the builder however, and if I get an answer, I'll be sure to post it here.

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the blake sea like most linden waters have a time limit that will return objects (like your boat) when it expires. is to stop prims maxxing out the sim when people forget to take back their vehicles

the boat will always stay rezzed while you are sitting on it. regardless of the time limit. when you stand up tho then it will derez if the time limit has expired

 like others have said blake sea sims usual have a rez zone in the corner so can rerez your boat there

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Regardless of the size of your vehicle, as soon as you stop driving it, its effectively an item on the sim and the return timer begins to count down. What you need to find is a sea area that has a generous return timer.


As to the type of vehicle, if you want to explore it as a "place", then avoid any that have sections of them that are part worn. The 32 prim or less physical vehicle will allow others to walk around on deck as you drive, whereas the larger, hundred or so prim ones will need to be parked up before people get out of seats to explore them.


The other issues you are likely having is that your "worn" boat is effectively dropped onto the sim when you take it off. Other vehicles are rezzed elsewhere and then left where they are, whereas a dropped one turns from clothing into a different sort of item.

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Only buy vehicles that are true vehicles, 32 prims or less, then you can stand up and walk around on and inside them all you want. It's trickier to make products like that, yes (oh no, sculpts and/or mesh!), but in the end it's better products.

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Tommy, it may appear that other large yachts don't have this "problem", but it's most likely that you're looking at the "display model", rezzed where autoreturn won't delete it.

There's no way around the 32 prim limit on physical vehicles, except the workaround that's already been mentioned.  So no, you can't walk around your yacht while it's under way.

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For clarification: all NE corners in Blake are rezzable. Apart from that it isn't any different than any other LL owned public land/water in so far as autoreturn kicks in after a certain time.

Standing up from a moving vehicle (why o why does anyone want to do such a stupid thing?) ends the ride! No matter if car, bike, airplane or boat. In the moment a vehicle is stopped/left autoreturn will kick in.

For sailing one should always chose the smallest number of prims possible. It will also give you a better survival chance at sim crossings.

For onboard living facilities: as long as you sit on a ball or sitting target your boat is save as well. But as soon as you lift your butt the autoreturn clock starts ticking again (and this is sometimes very very short). Particularly if your boat was rezzed in the sim since quite a while you might not get the announced 5 minutes or whatever the time is set to. So in order to make real use of the living quarters you need to have the boat on your own land or some land with generous autoreturn times.






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Lindal Kidd wrote:


There's no way around the 32 prim limit on physical vehicles, except the workaround that's already been mentioned.

I have a boat with 51 prims and it indeed acts as a physical boat colliding to other objects.  Originally it had 32 prims. It did not have navigation lights originally, so I made those and added them to the boat.




When mesh came things changed a bit.  In the features tab there is "Physics Shape Type".

• None

• Prim

• Convex Hull




Making prim in link set to "None" makes that prim to act as phantom.

Making prim in link set to "Prim" or "Convex Hull" makes that prim to act as physical.

For the boat scripts to work the "Physics" may not exceed 32 in "Weights of selected".

So what I did with this boat was that I made the root prim, lower hull and upper hull Physics Shape Type as "Prim". All the other objects have type "None".  This method works with ordinary prims, sculpted prims and meshes.



This building method works only when doing it with mesh enabled viewer, as in the non-mesh enabled viewers there is no "Physics Shape Type" available.  When selecting the boat with non-mesh enabled viewer the edit window just tells "Selected objects = 1" and "Primitives = 51". It does not know anything about the different physics shapes of the prims.

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Wow, this topic has gotten some traction  :))


This is what I've found:

A) The Oceanis and Hurricane lines are all 200+ prims and require you to wear them, for reasons stated above.

B) I decided to use my banline HUD (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Explorers-HUD-Essential-for-all-Vehicles-Explorers-and-Landlords/1269113 HIGHLY recommended.  I use if for riding my motorcycle.  The HUD shows where the rezzable water is among other things, so if the boat does break apart (ie, you stood up), you can motor to the rezzable spot and do a quick repair.

C) Motor Loon has created a new sailboat called the Oceanic, which is under the prim limit, it's mostly phantom, however at sea you can stand up, walk around, anchor and go ashore for a short time.  You can get a fully functioning demo at the Tradewinds Yacht Club on Dex (143,64,25).  It appears to be a VERY popular boat, I see them coming by my house almost constantly the past few day, it has a Main, Jib and a Spinny.  He makes excellent motorcycles, and this first entry into sailboats appears to be a winner.

D) No one stands up in a moving vehicle, not even me.  My contention was that if I'm at sea, with my GF, and choose to anchor and go below, I should be able to.  Guess that's not in the cards. 

If I can throw a recommendation in while I have your attention, I picked up a nice little speeder to get around on the water to check out some areas and I have to recommend it.  It is the "Wave Cruiser 3" (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Wave-Cruiser-3-Classic-Beige/3263671  This is a fantastic little speedboat under 32 prims, and it flies.  I used it to shoot over to the Tradewinds from my dock, jump out, read the description of the Oceanic, jump back in and zip home.  For only $55 Lindens, it is sooo worth it.

Thanks for everyone's input, and for those highly knowledgeable people who spelled out the specifics for me.  I've been here about 6 years, and I've never stopped learning. 



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Tommy Mulberry wrote:

Wow, this topic has gotten some traction 



You asked a very good question that a lot of people are interested in for various reasons: sailing, building, scripting, etc.

Here's another option:  Create/use an alt.  Run a second viewer so that avatar can wear the extra parts of the boat.  With adjustment they won't even have to sit in the helm position.  'You' are now free to move around without the boat falling apart or being de-rezzed.

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