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Blurry avatar?


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other people's avatar's keep going in and out of focus.

I'm usinging Firestorm viewer, Version 4.01.27000

I'm using windows 7 home premium, AMD A6-3620 APU with a Radeon HD graphics card.

8 gigs ram, 1 gig vid memory.

64 bit


that i need to adjust my setting is without question, i was hoping for something specific... like in the advanced menu, some render avatar setting suggestions?

I am using a wireless connection, but what is new is the computer. I did get a new computer, and that is when the problem started.

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4 answers to this question

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When was it working properly?

What changed?

Did you update your Viewer, or did it auto-update it's self?

When is the last time you checked for updates for your Pc's graphic card?

Re-rezzing Residents in range could be a Cache size problem; increase your Cache size in Preferences.

In the Graphic Tab in Preferences, increase the Avatars selection to Mid or High.

A very low Draw Distance can cause Resident to rez, then blur, the rez again ect. I keep my draw low, 120 works for me.

Are you using a Wireless connection?



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Read through: #SL Clouds, Grey, and Blurry Avatars

Several different things cause the avatar render process to hang. It make be some time before we see a fix.

Rendering the avatar is a special case. It is a more complex process than rendering in the rest of Second Life. The idea is to save CPU cycles on users' computers and the servers. The idea requires your viewer to download all the textures that make up your avatar and its clothes; a skin, top, pants, hair, and shoes textures. The viewer ‘bakes’ those into a single composite texture. You see your avatar render nice and sharp when that bake completes. Then your viewer uploads that composite texture for all to see. That saves others downloading all the individual textures and baking them. Your avatar goes blurry as it downloads and decompresses the composite texture and becomes sharp when that process finishes. You are the only one that sees the double blurry for your avatar.

If that process hangs or fails there is a problem. Where it fails affects what you or others see.

You can try the old standby quick fixes for avatar rez problems:

  1. Change your active group or group tag.
  2. Press rebake (Ctrl-Alt-R) once a minute for 3 minutes.
  3. Change your bald.
  4. Change your shape.
  5. Move to another region and try 1 to 4 again.

When those fail, check your connection as it is the likely problem: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection

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It may be possible that the Graphic Card in the new Pc is not as powerful as the GC in your old Pc.

You could start by identifying which Radeon Card your Pc has, the type of model usually has numbers after the Radeon.

ex. Radeon HD 6530D

After you know which card you have, look for the price of that card on the internet or at a store near you. If you find your card, and it's priced under 50$, you might want to get a better Graphics Card.

If you own a Desktop, you could replace the card with relative ease. I replaced mine in about 1 hour, that included driving to the store to buy a new card.

Buying a new card should always start with the Question, "what cards will physically fit in my Pc".


If you do not find a resolution, please do create a new thread here at the Forum. Questions can sometimes get pushed down the list and other Residents may not see that your question is un-answered.

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