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SL10B News and Premium Gift Hunt

Linden Lab


It’s hard to believe that we’re halfway through the month already - but we’re still in full party mode for Second Life’s 10th Birthday.

To start - there is an all new party pack available on the Marketplace, chock full of great celebration items including tasty treats, party favors and a bottle of the celebratory beverage of your choice. It’s free and only available until the end of the month - so get yours now.

Here is a quicklist of the other items available on the Marketplace. Get your goods before the month’s end - then they will be gone for good.



Starting today - Premium members can enjoy a grid-wide hunt with exclusives prizes. Not a Premium member but want to participate? It’s not too late - sign up for a Premium account, and you can join the hunt right away.




Magellan Linden has uncovered an evil scheme by mad Doctor Talpa, to build some form of mind-control machines and take over the world. Magellan is busy building a machine to counter this scheme, but in the meantime YOU are needed to gather materials and components -- and to destroy any of Talpa's machines you can find.

Get started now!

There’s more fun to come this month, so remember to stay tuned and watch our Facebook and Twitter feeds for late-breaking details about limited items that will be available inworld at the user-driven SL10B Community Celebration soon. These items will be collectable, so get ready to claim yours fast!


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