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Viewer 2.5 with Web Profiles Has Arrived

Q Linden


Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time.

In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Privacy Settings” in the upper right corner of your profile. Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.

This is why we have a beta process--to address concerns and improve your user experience. We will continue to iterate as we get more feedback. Thank you for all your help and comments. Please attend the Viewer 2 User Group meetings if you would like to share your thoughts and feedback directly with me and the Snowstorm team.

Viewer 2.5 also has some other new features. The one I like best is that you can now have your Favorite landmarks also appear on the login screen, so that you can log directly into your favorite locations. Torley made a video about this, so check it out! We've also improved some texturing performance and fixed another batch of bugs. Watching the internal data, we've already seen a noticeable improvement in stability and performance--on par with Viewer 1.23.

Download Viewer 2.5, try it out, and keep the feedback coming! And, if you Twitter, please use the hashtag #slviewer2.

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Argues Collingwood said:

A person needs to go to their privacy settings either in-world or by logging in to the my.profile page and set them up

Please, may someone tell me where I find this "my.profile" page so I can completely hide my profile?

I'm a happy no-user of Viewer 2 (I use a TPV with some V2-features only, without the odd V2-UI) ) and I have no interest in mix my Second Life with my Real Life. Things that happen on SL (is better to) remain on SL. This is the way SL Virtual World was created and this is the way I like.

Go to https://my.secondlife.com/Lill.Verwood upper right corner login then go to privacy settings and check the boxes that are appropiate for you.

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Thank you Argus for telling us where the web changable profile setting is.

And thank you Q for giving us the ability to better control what data of ours goes out to the great unerasable memory system in the clouds.  I appreciate being able to block non-SL folks from peering in.

Now if you can add checkboxes and an option to integrate with Facebook and Twitter or not, I'll be overcome with joy.  Seriously, I might even bake you guys cookies...

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It's so disheartening to know that LL does not listen to their customers.  They say they do, and maybe they want to, but bottom line is they don't.  To release 2.5 with a web-based profile that further clutters the screen and is wasted space is truly incredible to me.  I even tried to get on board with Viewer 2 fighting all the way, but with the release of 2.5, they've taken yet another huge step back!


I'm back to Phoenix or Imprudence.  Being in SL is supposed to be fun and not make RL more frustrating.  I give up!

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I do not understand why LL seems dedicated to bringing us new "features" none of us really have asked for or want, and keep ignoring the 800 lb. gorilla in the room, which is the ghastly user interface of Viewer 2.  The good news, is the folks at Phoenix (or Imprudence) seem to get it, and simply deliver a useable, fast and efficient client for us to use.

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Firestorm (in its vast baby newness) is MILES ahead of 2.5.  I can only imagine how uberawsomesauce Firestorm will be once its ready for release!!  I can't wait for it!!

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This is a good, incremental improvement toward opening the platform. The feature itself is great. I love it, but it's unfinished.

The new web profile should be integrated or connected with the blogs and marketplace at least. The more this type of information disconnect can be eliminated, the more fluid the user experience becomes, and the less likely it becomes that newbies will abandon Second Life out of frustration.

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Q Linden wrote:

Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta.  The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which  allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the  Viewer. For example, here's mine.  Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles;  we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them  richer over time.

Linden Lab, are you sure you understand what measn "Beta" and a "Stable" version?? Viewer 2.5 is "stable" with web-based profiles without refine?

Hundreds (literally) of post against the web profiles and the answer is "Hi, we have added the web profiles". Or perhaps you have not hear the complaints because we don't post in Twitter or Facebook.

OMG It is impossible understand to LL

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Whether being searched on the web is a "huge plus" depends on what the user wants. I don't expect you to want the same as me. Which is why I'm a little surprised this choice of access levels wasn't in from the start.

I'm afraid I know a few dirty tricks that can be pulled with HTML, and I'm really not sure how I can keep an SL viewer as secure as I keep my web browser.

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other worlds manage better  but user experience doesnt seem to be a priority for the developers, they just seem to like developing new toys to play with.

I can't comment on other worlds, but a few things I've seen at the old Office Hours are consistent with the "new toys" hypothesis.

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I hope that I'm wrong about this. It seems that the 2.0 developing team is a 9 to 5 job. As talented as they might be, they don't use SL on a regular basis like many of inworld creators do. Thus they have a little idea how to make SL viewer more efficient UI wise. Therefore SL 2.0 is such a "out of touch" viewer. It takes more clicks to do anything in 2.0

UI is an universal language that based on human logics. Please don't reinvent the wheel and apply KIS.  Most importantly, listens to the feedbacks here. We're not spending our busy time here to complaint, we want SL to be successful for all of us. The only way to get there is to have a simple and easy to use viewer. Once it again, Keep It Simple!

Lastly, why is facebook cookie on the SL web profile page? Is LL selling our info to facebook?

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1)  Default setting is Javascript and Cookies enabled, leaving users wide open to the Facebook and Twitter snoopware on the web based profiles.

2)  Media, Music and Voice default to on, leaving you wide open to having your IP address snagged by the IP snoopers out there.

3)  I hoped to use this long enough to change my profile privacy settings, but am getting some sort of Web Kit fail error and my Profile won't open.   How do I change those settings outside this viewer, please?

I'm getting really tired of having to fight so hard to maintain a shred of privacy and am losing interest.   If that's the desired effect, I guess you win.


If you changed the default setting of cookies from enabled to disabled, profiles won't work. Lovely, huh? Go to your profile in your browser to update it there. http://my.secondlife.com/casey.pelous

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OMG LL WTF are you up to..I like the old profile system please go back to it..this is shit. Sorry for the harsh words, but yeah i am probally one of the few folk who liked viewer 2..but now with this new upgrade?? I am going right off it. Stop giving us stuff we don't want..give us better stability in the grid. You ever heard the term If it isn't broke don't fix it

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Ah, thank you, yes.  I quite naturally and sensibly disabled the SL viewer from accepting javascript and cookies, and redirect to my usual browser anyways.  So naturally I never picked up on the fact that Search and now Web Profiles are ignoring my suggestions.

And it looks like you answered the question on why they force-downloaded this program on me, apparently they snuck this in as an "option" in preferences and left it on automatic by default.

There's a lot of bad and untrustworthy behavior floating around here.  I might have to reevaluate my "no-second chances" stance on the third party viewers.

In the meantime LL, could you at least give me another ninja-Preference button so I can view and use the old profiles? See, I kinda liked being able to look someone up, offer inventory, see their whole list of Picks, select a Pick and teleport to their store, etc.  You have disabled a tremendous amount of functionality by going with these insecure web-based setups.

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You cant drag inventory, but you can use the profile to share inventory. In the actions drop down, choosing share will open up an IM window in-world to drag inventory to.

And in response to another post by somebody else, you can view more than 3 groups, but you do have to click "more" next to the groups header. Same goes for picks.

Just as many functions.. but noticebly less intuitive.

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All these glorious "features" of viewer 2.x do not address the many issues which cause so many residents to refuse to use it.

#1 for me is that it causes motion disorder seizures.  It is not possible to log in to 2.x for even 30 seconds to "change things which might help" because the entire screen image is vibrating so hard I have to head for the medication and a dark room for several hours.

I know several other inworld content creators who are unable to stare at  the 2.x jittery screen to create.  Many of us have long history with other  games, but are unable to handle the vibrating screen of 2.x.

I have explained this situation over and over, at office hours, to Lindens in person, by im, in emails, in notecards, in blog comments and on the forum.  I've received a ton of abuse from 2.x lovers as if motion seizures were somehow discretionary and I should be able to turn them off at will.

What I didn't receive was any form of an answer about why viewer 2.x is so jittery and viewer 1.x wasn't.

Until I can log in without making myself ill, I can't use viewer 2.x.  If you force us all over to 2.x; even more residents will leave.  Not because we want to... we wouldn't spend our lives in SL if we wanted to leave.  And none of us is looking forward to the day when we're forced to go elsewhere to create our world.

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Argus Collingwood said:

A person needs to go to their privacy settings either in-world or by logging in to the my.profile page and set them up

Please, may someone tell me where I find this "my.profile" page so I can completely hide my profile?

I'm  a happy no-user of Viewer 2 (I use a TPV with some V2-features only,  without the odd V2-UI) ) and I have no interest in mix my Second Life  with my Real Life. Things that happen on SL (is better to) remain on SL.  This is the way SL Virtual World was created and this is the way I  like.

Go to https://my.secondlife.com/Lill.Verwood upper right corner login then go to privacy settings and check the boxes that are appropiate for you.


Thankyou, Argus. I found it and changed it, unchecking "I want my profile to be available on the web."

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This is utter garbage. A clunky addition to a UI that is already clunky. It makes accessing anything absolutely a chore, and doesn't seem to add anything to my experience within SL. If I wanted to use Facebook or any of that other social media crap, I'd have gone there. In SL, I want to stay in SL.

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...sigh...whay change the inworld way we look at profiles...why not ust use that info to add to dashboard...because as o right now...it doesnt work! I get SSL handshake failed for every profile...not useful especially when the upgrade screwed up my all sim security system and cant find the damn help group because i cant see the makers profile!! thanks LL for breaking another feature that worked fine

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Some of my "Picks" images don't show up in the new web profile.  They are my most important ones of my store!  They work fine in the Second Life browser, but they don't show in the new web profile.  I've tried re-setting the images to no avail.  How can I fix it?

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This is utter garbage. A clunky addition to a UI that is already clunky. It makes accessing anything absolutely a chore, and doesn't seem to add anything to my experience within SL. If I wanted to use Facebook or any of that other social media crap, I'd have gone there. In SL, I want to stay in SL.

Well, it seems obvious that SL is trying to land the "new breed" of user with all this web-based, facebook type crap.  The problem is that, while trying to secure new users (which is fine in and of itself), they have completed ignored the "old breed" of existing users (for the most part) by offering "features" they don't want in a clunky UI that hinders their ability to enjoy the virtual world.  All of the new bells and whistles are pretty much targeted at new users, while things existing users have wanted implemented or "fixed" have been widely ignored.

What does SL do when, in a few years, the "new breed" facebook generation becomes the "old breed", who is ignored because SL wants to land another "new breed" of user?

You cannot keep alienating your existing customer base to cater to new users.  You have to find the proper balance of servicing and maintaining the existing base while adding features that also attract the new users.  SL simply isn't doing a very good job at this.

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OMG..I just logged into SL with the new viewer, went to my profile and tried unchecking the box that says i want to share my profile on the web.  I clicked 'save' and then I got an error message that said:  "Frame load interrupted by policy change".   I was unable to save my change!  This is CRAZY.  It makes me want to leave SL.  I'm tired of all the issues with the viewer, lag, tp problems, etc.

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I had that same error "Frame load interrupted by policy change"....and now...I cant view my profile or anyones in the viewer only in Safari...and so I can't change my privacy options...this is really annoying...now profiles is completely broke inside the viewer....I get "SSL handshake failed" and the url is "about:blank" it doesnt even come up with the url for the profiles....

and their help is really helpful search profiles and you get an explanation showing viewer 1 screen shots...yooohoo thats helpful

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