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[QUICKTIP] Annoyed with incoming chat popups? Disable 'em!

Torley Linden


Do you find yourself bothered by too many notifications? Do you want to hide instant message popups without having to go into Busy mode? There's a preference that can help with that in Viewer 2.4 and newer.


For text instructions and more details,

see the "incoming chat popups" help page

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What annoys me about the local chat.. you can't click something inworld behind it, like you used to be able to in the older versions and in the tpv's.  It's real annoying when you're trying to edit something, pick up something, do anything with something when that area of your screen is covered in chat....  Just my L$2

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I love this and used since day i made it hehe

this is what users should do if there annoyed make a fix for it instead of complaining



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Torley, I'm a big fan, we even made a game with a watermelon theme. I'll send you one if you like. You'd love it...

However,  until a Resident can run an Estate, operate a store, host live events, host a DJ, be a DJ, perform live music, build, animate, perform general tasks - or do most of the things that actually draw new residents into SL on a V2 viewer... I'll pass, it's just unable to match up to the V1.23.

And I certainlty won't suggest that piece of feces 2.4 viewer. Man, it's bad...

You ask us to accomplish the Lab's work for them, but you give us crappy tools.

We deserve better.

I love YOU, but but the V2 project is unmitigated garbage. It's going nowhere. Fast.

It's beneath you to even suggest it's use. It's costs you respect.

Good Luck, you'll need it. Best wishes.

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  • Lindens

@Gideon I think that can be maddening, since aside from hyperlinks in local chat, what else really needs to be clicked?

On a somewhat related note, I miss how I used to be able to click UI elements when the UI was hidden (for machinima purposes), that behavior changed, too.

@Kelilinden Kewl!

@Alexandrea Fride I need to thank you!

@Gooden Thanks for weighing in and please do send your game to me!

Oh geez, you should've seen the internal email I just sent about how difficult it has been for me to search for stuff in Viewer 2.x.

Every time I've wrestled repeatedly with something in V2 — wondering if intuition from experience was right — I've reached out to Residents, and found I was far from alone. While I don't directly work on product design, I continually advocate for Resi voices who feel they're being ignored, and while it's been a long road making V2 reach "feature parity", as you allude to, it's healthy to have the choice of using 1.23.

I like Viewer 2.4 a lot better than 2.0, that's for sure, but there are numerous things I struggle with daily, and I always channel what Residents feel to other Lindens. (Discussions on such topics are best done with specific details, but that's beyond the scope of this quicktip.)

Since there's no substitute for actual hands-on use, I continue to encourage curiosity and exploration by highlighting useful aspects of all things Second Life. This helps Residents make informed decisions about available possibilities.

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I was quite content to open chat history if I needed to click on a name to access a profile, click a link, etc...

Is there any way possible to make the 'scrolling chat' the way it used to be?

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Torley, did you pass the request that the sidebar has to go - or at least become optional? The undockable panels, yeah, was a good idea for the beginning, but:

1.) You can't close them but have to redock them to go away. Minimizing is exactly what I don't want as I still see them as minimized bars on the screen.

2.) If I want to open an undocked panel, I am still in need of the sidebar to archive that.

Saying this, it still renders the sidebar highly annoying and cumbersome. Basically, what I and many many other residents want, is: A viewer where I don't have to use the sidebar. Just popup a floater when I use a specific function, for instance opening a profile.

Oh, and did I mention the sidebar still makes the right screen unusable for all sorts of HUDs and the minimap? This thing might be nice for a new resident or people that just wanna do some chatting a la Facebook. But for many advanced residents the sidebar is a patronizing annoyance. So - if not done yet - could you pass that info to the people in charge? So we get an option to turn off the sidebar and get a floater system similar to old 1.23 viewers?

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After putting in all these different ways to interact with other social networks or the web, you are explaining how to turn chat and IMs off... why would one log into SL then? I'm really worried where this viewer is heading to.

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@Ansariel Yes! I've shared many Resident suggestions in that vein. To this day, I still hear requests for a "minimalist UI" mode which would be well-suited for socializing, exploring, and examining content you've created without all the build and other windows in your face. For a more direct line about your suggestions, you can reach the "Snowstorm" Team through here.

@Yanik Freedom of choice. Some people LOVE notifications, others HATE 'em. I can be a voracious chatter at times, other times I need peace and quiet to research inworld activity.

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@Ansariel Yes! I've shared many Resident suggestions in that vein. To this day, I still hear requests for a "minimalist UI" mode which would be well-suited for socializing, exploring, and examining content you've created without all the build and other windows in your face. For a more direct line about your suggestions, you can reach the "Snowstorm" Team through here.

@Yanik Freedom of choice. Some people LOVE notifications, others HATE 'em. I can be a voracious chatter at times, other times I need peace and quiet to research inworld activity.


Let me figure out that, please.

You built a viewer, called it superior and intuitive, V2. Community was, well, shocked about how " superoir and intuitive" V2 really is, soo, you founded the Project Snowstorm, and as far I see we end with a snowstorm viewer, looking/working smiliar to the old preV2 viewers, just included the technical goodies?

Would it have been not smarter to let the V1 series like it was, with just develop it further, instead of driving so many user towards the TPVs?

I mean look at the search for example, the old search was working good, with V2 you offered a brandnew search, wich just is a real disaster? Is that real progress?

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Meanwhile, 5 years after this post was started, and I wish we had the option to completely remove local chat - for those of us who find it a major source of aggravation. Tired of the irritating flashing orange tab when I'm really not interested in dozens people talking gibberish at each other - especially not when trying to focus on other things in-world. Also makes it hard to chat with friends and acquaintances in private group chat because when local chat starts up, you have to keep track of which tab you're in. Not a great system. Considering we can 'x' out (remove) other conversations entirely, why not local chat? Why is that forced on us?

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