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Viewer 2.3 Launches with Display Names



I’m delighted to announce that today we have released Viewer 2.3 as the main Second Life Viewer and the default download for new Residents. This release includes the full launch of Display Names allowing greater self-expression, improved Event Scheduling, Viewer Hints, and many additional performance and usability enhancements. For more information on the new features, see our Viewer 2.3 Beta blog post.

This is just a few short weeks from when the Viewer 2.3 Beta was made available; a big thanks to those Residents that downloaded the beta and provided feedback.

Download the Viewer 2.3 Release today, try it out, and Twitter your thoughts using the #slviewer2 hashtag.And, if want to learn more about Display Names, then there are plenty of places to find information including some excellent videos by Torley. Check out the helpful links below.

Please note: If you are using an older version of the Viewer (including most 3rd party Viewers) that still has three login fields (first name, last name and password), please read this page for guidance on how Display Names affects logging in.


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Why the heck should one twitter feedback if there is a comment feature and the flogs on the SL website?

Because twittering is easier than using the flog? Who knows, but the Lindens love the twittering, that is for sure.... maybe cuz it fits in with those with ADHD.

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I've been so waiting for this release! I love to see just Zak over my head as it fits my character a lot more than having a surname.

Now I just need to concentrate upon updating my scipted items to cope with AV's that have a display name set so it uses those where they exist in place for first name / surname.

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Beside that Twitter is for people thinking they are important and try to let everybody know , it doesn't makeany sense to ask for comments being made somewhere else. It's the same as if my ISP asks me to rate his product in the daily press.

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What's a Flog ? :-)

That's what comes out if you try to use a blog software (this Jive thingy LL is using) as a forum! Forums + Blogs = Flogs

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I've been so waiting for this release! I love to see just Zak over my head as it fits my character a lot more than having a surname.

/me start's creating a non-pronouncable name with lots of crazy Unicode characters. Wondering how people will try to pronounce that on voice! This feature is so rediculous - oh forgot! Need to post that on Twitter! LOL

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Posted by Jack Linden on Nov 17, 2010 9:40:24 PM
I’m delighted to announce that today we have released Viewer 2.3 as the  main Second Life Viewer and the default download for new Residents. This  release includes the full launch of Display Names allowing greater self-expression...

All what I can say is that I'm not at all delighted that the Lab released this Fake Name thing. "Greater self expression"? With Fake Names? Really! Uff....

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/me being sarcastic: Well, thanks for all the advance warning about the new log-in procedure!

I imagine the phone lines and discussion blogs are going to explode with complaints when people try to go about their usual business today and start getting errors when they attempt to log in. Did LL bother to give any of those third-party viewer programmers advance notice about the single username entry field? Even in this announcement (and let's face it, not every resident pays close attention to the official Linden blog), it's hidden in a link to the wiki all the way at the end of the post.

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The old style login with first name plus last name still works for me. Instead, username plus "resident" doesn't work for me. Wondering how many people called because that doesn't work.

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What's a Flog ? :-)

That's what comes out if you try to use a blog software (this Jive thingy LL is using) as a forum! Forums + Blogs = Flogs

I thought it was Flog because they were flogging their news. (Flogging is often used to mean promoting)

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I just tried to create a new account, and the new account creation page still has you pick a first name without being able to see the last names, and presumably then picking a last name - I'm not sure, because I stopped at that point.

Is the name creation process going to change to where you can create an account with the name of your choice, and that's what people will see in-world and in the blog-forums?

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Does this really matter last night you did another reset and a presumed update now I can log in for 20 seconds before crashing  and when I do manage to stick in game the textures load at a painfully slow rate and good luck ever seeing a sculpty. This game used to have manageable problems it now is a virtual disaster stop playing with silly add ons and cure the problem the game is no longer what one might call fun because of all the load you people have contributed


I have never had a crash problem in the past


Thanks again LL

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Ok, at least the latest Phoenix build from the source code repository shows the fake names and real names properly, so I can call them by their real name and see if somebody tries to impersonate me by his fake name.

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I'm really glad to see this viewer getting released. The beta viewer has been really nice and steady, with a few fun new features. In particular, builders will rejoice over this one:

No more relogging to turn on/off selection outlines (those yellow and blue lines that make texturing and fine adjustments such a PITA.) Build > Options > Show Selection Outlines

To the Lindens, a question: Are there any code changes from the beta viewer (214400) to this released version?

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@Sharcel.. Yeah the registration pages will be changing to match the display names feature.


Is the name creation process going to change to where you can create an account with the name of your choice, and that's what people will see in-world and in the blog-forums?

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I had to delete ALL settings before I got this version to load. Before that, it crashed before reaching the login screen. I managed to keep chat and IM logs, but had to delete everything else. This is not good!

Also, replace current outfit does not work! Not in the outfits pane of the sidebar, nor in the My outfits folder in the inventory. Now, that's just completely ridiculous!

This is just silly. No company would release a piece of software where basic functions like these did not work. Every new version of the viewer is more buggy than the previous, and I'm slowly getting fed up with it. I've liked it from the beginning, but I'm now thinking of finding a TPV that works. Not because of the features, but because of the errors and bugs that seems to multiply over time.

- Luc -

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Tried,used for 2 minutes,got stuck,crashed,uninstalled!Just a nother useless lag hog viewer!Nothing changed,nothing fixxed! Sticking to 3rd party viewer untill forced to do othervise!

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I'm trying to install the new viewer and i'm getting alot of errors that say such things like error opening file for writing..llplugin/imageformats/qtiff4.dll  and some others..what's that about?  Thanks!

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I just tried the new viewer 2.3.  I wanted to see if they had fixed any of the problems that were killing my business.  (they haven't).   Nice new features that no one really wants.  What surprised me was that the PRICE for these features .. was a 50% drop in performance.  My viewer went from 18 fps to 9 fps for viewing the exact same scene with the exact same settings.  Phoenix vs Viewer 2.3  :-(

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Hmmmm didn't notice that. But I must confess I only used Viewer 2.3 to set the display name for my test alt because in Phoenix it didn't work properly yet. But display of both display and username work in Phoenix - at least for the name tag so far.

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This is just silly. No company would release a piece of software where basic functions like these did not work. Every new version of the viewer is more buggy than the previous, and I'm slowly getting fed up with it. I've liked it from the beginning, but I'm now thinking of finding a TPV that works. Not because of the features, but because of the errors and bugs that seems to multiply over time.

- Luc -


Pay peanuts...get Monkeys from Odessa, Ukraine! Never mind...you still got another shiney to play with ala "Display names"

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What does LL have against eloquent written communication?

Text Chat is still limited to 254 characters. Why do they insist on repeatedly nerfing text chat? It isn't going to force people who despise Voice Chat to suddenly embrace voice.

There's a known bug in the release notes, that admits this Viewer drastically truncates the text in classified ads to just 64 characters, and yet they still let this out the door?

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