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Lab Gab Episode 16 Streams this Friday at 11am PT/SLT - Linden Lab Marketing Team!


Lab Gab is a live streaming show that showcases events, destinations, and different talents across Second Life. 

Join our host, Strawberry Linden, as she speaks with two members of our Marketing team. Brett Linden is the Senior Director of Marketing and Darcy Linden is the Senior Marketing Manager. They will be talking about the 2020 Roadmap for Marketing Second Life.

Do you have a marketing-related question that you’d like Strawberry to ask them on your behalf? Fill out the Google Form and submit your question today, and it may be selected! 

Tune in on Friday, March 6th at 11am PT/SLT. Watch us live on YouTube, Facebook, Mixer, or Periscope!

As part of our goal to be more transparent in 2020 with our communication and operations, we've published a comprehensive blog post covering our marketing efforts for Second Life with details about our growth initiatives, targeted campaigns, and more! 


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