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Embark on a Quest in Linden Realms: Collect Crystals, Earn Linden Dollars and Have a Blast!

Linden Lab


We're excited to introduce Linden Realms, where Residents can dive directly into exploring the towers, caves and valleys of the Lab's first-ever game prototype. Dodge rock monsters and fierce fireballs as you cross deadly, toxic rivers to complete quests and cash in your crystals for Linden Dollars. And that's just the beginning...

Quests take you through the basics of game-play in Second Life while you earn Linden Dollars. You’ll start at Basecamp on Tyrah’s Island, where you’ll have your pick of exciting destinations to choose from!


  • Sunspire — Investigate a tower of experiments in teleportation and astronomy.
  • Shattered Cavern — Go deep into an intricate system of caves that snake down under a small mountain.
  • Devil's Canyon — Brave a  dangerous valley of fire and rock monsters, where the courageous are rewarded.
  • Whisper Hollow — Hike through a forest full of secrets and obstacles.
  • Banshee Peak — Soar above it all at the northernmost point of the island and admire the view of Whisper Hollow.
  • Tyrah's Peak — Scale the snowy peak overlooking the center of the island and the Basecamp.
  • Dark Moon Bay — Explore this southernmost point of the island, where Tyrah wrecked her ship and hopes to eventually escape.

Our teams dove deep into the inworld creation process during development, and are eager to share some improved tools that came out of this effort. Residents will soon be able to use those tools to create even richer original experiences in Second Life.


Dive in, explore — and experience the wonder of Linden Realms!

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Wow! can anyone say INWORLDZ? more prim for you buck... more cost effective doing less damage on your real life pocket book to own a sim and extensive prims so you dont have to think low prim to create high quality content... did I mention free downloads?  It is more like the way SL used to be when the player was in charge of the creative process and that is what made it unique....

We were the designers or our secondlife world not the other way around...part of the creative process....not to mention age appropriate for individual playing. Not all of us are grown adults in kid avi's. How is this type of kid like gaming system going to hold the attention of the majority of  grown ups when we are to be age verified over the age of 18? We have meeroos and other kid like content already for that purpose...

Just hope the folks at LL know there are other options then just secondlife so better play serious catch up here for the present needs of all "Residents" before folks start to jump ship .... if they have not already.... not good for business for anyone including LL.

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Personally i love the Linden Realms.  I'm a grandmother and so my 'inner child' enjoys playing games where you run around and collect gems and run from monsters. I know SL is used for many serious businesses and schools/colleges.  Many others just come to relax and have some fun. I believe that SL saved my sanity a couple years ago when going thru some heavy RL stuff. It was like really going on a beautiful vacation whenever i wanted. I think we should be thankful for SL and all the people who create it and provide it for anyone. Whatever they decide to do is fine with me.  Al long as its PG i'm game to try it. :smileyhappy:


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Ok, so the links go to blank pages, and you cant find Tyrah's Island or any of the other locations thru World Map or Inworld search. How DO you find this???   

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Am so glad am not the only one who can't figure out how in the world you get to it, maybe the day will come when i can actually find the places and enjoy a little hunt, until then i keep exploring regualry

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Ok, I am doing this game and having fun with it. But now I am at banshee peak and the cannon will not firer.

Please help me and find out why


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An interactive game where folks meet each other, play, have fun and earn linden ?


I really like this idea !! It's fantastic, it's the first step forward to what I ever wanted in sl. Now just let me give you some advices:

- Adventure is the key. I love to do adventure and earn linden, also if few linden. It's fun !! But you should create something more accurate, with a more "real" world and not a "toy" world. I don't think it's a problem for childrens, you know.

- It should be REALLY great if it's more needed coop between players. Some NPC to fight, more traps, some riddles...and more fun for players with a greater reward for who do teamwork !!!

- Am I asking too much for better monster textures ? I think a lil bit more quality could be done....

Hope to see more events like this by LL !!!!!!!! Compliments for the idea !!!!!!

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One thing most are not noticing...

SL is still primarely created by the users.  Why cant they play around with their platform too.

Just DONT put your build ontop of the list and on the homepage.  THATS cheating the builders that made SL possible and survive.

I am pleased with many of the other new changes.  I can see where much good will come of it when the kinks are worked out.

Be creative.  Creative is good. 

Thats the beauty of SL.

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I cant go see any of it and I am a premium member.  It doesnt show on the map or in search for most of the places, then when one does show up, it says I am not allowed.  Im guessing it's for selected members only ?

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Yes, I too would like to know just how does one get to these!

 I see a lot of people boasting about getting there and blah blah.. but when I search for those inworld search, nothing comes up, one comes up on the map, try to tp there and access is denied. Woohoo...... Some way to get people into this game inside a game.


Oh well. I was told about the touch and go spotting when I signed up, so, I guess this is what it meant.


Sometimes works, sometimes dead




I had to fire up Internet Explore to get to the destination guide and then get to it that way.

"About time that Linden Labs figured out that not EVERYBODY uses firef*cked". (Comment given to me to post).

So if you can't get to the destination guide with FF, try IE and see.

Worked for me!


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Yes, as you could guess... I finally got to it.



This reminds me of Murio though, is this legal?



I think SL needs to make it a "tad" be easier to get to though. I know it's on the destination thing, but daym.. took me about and hour to finally get to it.


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This is the first time ever i comment something on the blogs, but this latest "feature" ticks me off a bit.

I'm in SL for almost 5 years now and i have seen  "features" come and go. what i yet have to seen is a fix for the many problems in SL.

Namely lag, simborder-crossings, did i mention lag?

I'm not interested in those kiddy-style games, please get a grip on your ideas, Rodvik.

My main interest is aviation and transportation overall in SL.

Before you waste resources on new so-called features, please _fix_ SL, Mr. Humble

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By the way, Linden Realms looks outrageously bad and is completely unusable on any viewer that isn't mesh capable. I just took a look with the 1.23.5 Viewer, and it was hilarious. Tons of badly textured cylinders and cones and spheres - signs unreadable... Gives you a great preview of how unusable SL in general will be for non-mesh viewers, once Mesh gets more widely in use.

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Namely lag, simborder-crossings, did i mention lag?

I'm not interested in those kiddy-style games, please get a grip on your ideas, Rodvik.

My main interest is aviation and transportation overall in SL.

Before you waste resources on new so-called features, please _fix_ SL, Mr. Humble


By the way, Linden Realms looks outrageously bad and is completely unusable on any viewer that isn't mesh capable. I just took a look with the 1.23.5 Viewer, and it was hilarious. Tons of badly textured cylinders and cones and spheres - signs unreadable... Gives you a great preview of how unusable SL in general will be for non-mesh viewers, once Mesh gets more widely in use.

Can I up to you, Linden, this 2 messages ? I liked this funny mini-game, but it's absolutely right what they're saying !!!

Take care about it, please.

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All the complaining from others aside. I think this is good step in giving us users something to do, and break up the everyday second life and help the economy by giving a few L$ out. Thanks a bunch and good job!

And to the people who keep complaining about everything LL does.... Quit the game and go back to RL. Most of us tire of your endless complaining. RL is not perfect so why should SL be?

Keep complaining people I'm sure they will give up and you will complain this out of existence.

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Hmmm... sorry to say, Mal - this ain't personal - but i tend to think this has nothing to do with mere complaining. IF the idea of SL is still about "YOUR world - YOUR imagination", why should there anyone get tired of this or need some (and I quote) "giving us users something to do"?

Most of us here complain , because we already have found something that is worth sharing immense amounts of time on - we simply can't follow our preferred activities as we should be able to - exactly because of a lack of insight from the company who runs the show here after all.

People sometimes ask me:"what is this game about?". The only answer i can give them is :"Go find out for yourself." Then i hand them a folder that contains some of the best user-created sights i have ever encountered and send them exploring. 

Things are just like that.

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What a waste of time.  I've hardly arrived and get TP'd back home - have to go through all the rigmarole of logging out/in to get back, only to have the same thing happen again.  No thank you!

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