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Second Life Destinations: Surfing Enthusiasts

Linden Lab


There is a long-standing existential and philosophical question that persists to this day. If you dream it, do you experience it? That holds true for so many things in Second Life. Exploring foreign countries and learning about diverse cultures, swimming with dolphins, meditating from the blissful zen of a Tibetan temple, or hanging ten in the open water wave rush of the ocean on a surfboard. The surf is up in Second Life, and the sunshine, beach sand, and horizon are the perfect place to feel the thrill of riding those waves!

This week’s Destination Guide video is all about the joy and art of surfing in Second Life. Meet Lady Di - who really enjoys surfing in Second Life. 


Where else can you thread (and shred) the needle and wipe out safely, hop right back on the board and make a perfect run?

Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean you can’t follow the sun in Regions all over the Grid - in fact, there is a whole dedicated category to surfing in the Destination Guide. 

Now, go catch a wave - the water is perfect!

Featured locations:


Video by Draxtor Despres
Featured wetsuits by Salt & Pepper

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