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There’s Some New Faces in Second Life!

Linden Lab


Some Residents have noticed that we’ve added a new group of classic, system  “starter avatars” to the mix this week - a more mature couple in formal apparel, a groovy guy and gal, a pair of grunged-out music lovers, and some well accessorized, fashion-forward folks (because there is no better addition to any outfit than a pet!). While the last few batches of new starters have focused on Fantasy themes, this round we wanted to add some updated humanoid styles for new Residents to select from. Each avatar has been created utilizing some of the latest features in Second Life such as Bento - and have also been created with a focus on optimization to keep the avatar complexity below 30,000 (with most coming in around 10,000- 20,000).



While these avatars are intended to be just the starting point for new Residents of Second Life to get to exploring quickly, everyone is welcome to take them for a spin around the Grid via the Avatar Picker inside the viewer.

Resident Windywinters started a thread on the forums already - feel free to share your thoughts there - and let us know what else you’d like to see in the starter avatar selections.

There will be more avatars in the future - some new themes and styles - so stay tuned!

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