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Fashion Expert Sasy Scarborough: Getting More from your Look

Linden Lab


 Recycle 1.1.jpg

The topic for today is utilising what you have in your wardrobe, by taking an outfit — or whole item — apart.

Though layering options have increased, there has always been the ability to get a little more from a purchase. On the other side of the fence, I always encourage designers to look past their initial idea and imagine how the customer may wear it. My very overused phrase is “it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, just do it,” when asking a designer to make a shirt/jacket on all layers rather than  just one. Please — never flatten and combine belts or corset/wraps into a shirt or pants, as it limits your creativity after the purchase.

My first example of how to get more out of a look is the gown in the first photo (above). It shows how it comes with the initial purchase. The second photo (below) shows an example of different ways you can then combine it with other pieces to make it not only wearable more than once, but also individually tailored to your own style.

Recycle 2.1.jpg
If you plan on keeping your inventory low but fashionable, make sure that what you purchase is copyable or modifiable as often as possible. The pants in the gown are both — however, the bottom of the corset is flattened on the top of the pants, so the "add" option was needed there. I was able to shorten them and wear only the top portion of the gown skirt and — voila! — a cocktail length look. Always make a copy of something before you modify it.

Next, we take a dress that has visible pieces to use in other ways —  and actually use them. We can make a simple tank dress look inserted with a contrast panel by using the high-waisted portion of the dress, or make a fancy top with dress pants. These are men’s pants — anything made for men will fit women and vice versa when it comes to the clothing layers. Prims will need to be modified.

There are many looks that can be achieved by taking the bottom or top part of an outfit, even a dress, and making them separates. Not only do you get to extend your wardrobe, but you get to show real individuality when doing so...and that is what Second Life and fashion is about.

For all credits of items used in this post, please visit my blog at http://www.sasypants.com.


Sasy Scarborough blogs frequently about Second Life fashion on Sasypants.com. She is the owner of What's New SL and The Deck, and has served as a chairperson/committee member of Hair Fair since 2007.

She is one of today's Fashion Experts and will be "on call" to respond to comments and answer questions both here and in the Fashion Forums from 9 am - 4 pm, Pacific Standard Time, Monday, September 19. 


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Oh it is one of my biggest pet peeves when a designer does not offer lots of layers. I know now with viewer 2 and being able to add extra layers it's made things a lot easier. But some layers are made to look different. An undershirt layer will look different than a jacket layer, it will look tucked in and you just can't get that affect by doubling up. So glad you talked about this! Great post! <3

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Fantastic advice, Sasy. There are so many ways a single item can be worn...and if you really want to get adventurous, you can try attaching pieces to a different location just to mix things up!

One caveat, regarding system items made for men: some designers paint a "bulge" in the groin, or a Situation six-pack on the shirt, which may not preclude women from wearing menswear but certainly requires a little creative accessorizing. If you've got pants with a textured "bulge", throw on a belt or a longer shirt; if you've got a shirt with "muscles", grab a jacket.

Thanks for writing this!

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Hi Sasy:


I totally agree!  I sometimes check the contents of a box to see the different layers available and sometimes I will NOT buy a shirt of a suit unless it has all the layers I want.

Great advise!




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I love this! So many times I forget that Ihave a dress.. that would be great as a top or a skirt. And i agree Strawberry..Not enough Layers sometimes... Because they do look different depending on where they are.  I would also agree that Combinging thingsLike the corset with a bra or undershirt is great but allowing for them to be seperate is also a huge bonus.I live to mix and match my items up to allow me to be more my own girl. And also the option of MOD & Copy will go along way with the layering!

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Vaki so true, same can be said for breast shading on womens wear worn by men...but yes again using other items to hide that is even more creative. 

Thanks for commenting Everyone :)

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I whole heartedly agree. Also , if you are a brand new resident and are lookng to jump into the scene , buy basics.....every girl needs a little black dress, with  some shiny black stilletos and voila there u are ......

Buy Jeans and Slacks. Tops of different styles as well as colors...Pick up basic colors as far as clothing and shoes, dont forget some accssories.

Hair .....Get the styles and colors you prefer , but never forget that updo for an impromtu formal occasion or after 5 cocktail party........

For very little, you can get a lot. Additional basics would be as was mentioned above...layer with a sweater or jacket and change your look. You will appear as if you have an endless supply of outfits when your really mixing and matching your Basics !  Have Fun !

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My huge pet peeve is when a top is included but ONLY in the jacket layer... YOU as a designer may want me to wear it OVER my pants, but I may want to wear it with a highwaisted skirt or something!

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