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Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide 09/22/2017

This week’s Destination Guide highlights include a massive grid-wide game and several new spots you’ll want to snap and share with friends.

Save the grid from impending doom and win fabulous prizes in the new grid-wide game Tyrah and the Curse of the Magical Glytches. This ambitious adventure extends to multiple parcels across all of Second Life and many land owners can even get in on the action. It’s unlike anything ever seen before in SL.

Are you a photo buff? This week's Destination Guide highlights include new photogenic spots including a remote Russian weather station and a historic spot that takes you back in time to 18th century France . There's also a new exhibit that brings together seven acclaimed photographers -- each of whom explores their visual interpretation of one of the seven virtues.

There’s plenty to more to explore, too. Here are some highlights and new events to check out this week:

As always, don’t forget to share your Second Life pictures with our official Second Life Flickr  where we select our Pic of the Day features. Have you updated your Place Page yet? In addition to the Destination Guide, Place Pages are a way for creators to share their unique destinations in Second Life including 360-degree photos! Our featured Place Page this week is Biker Parties Bar and Railroad Station.

If you have a place of your own that you want to share with the rest of us, make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form.


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