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Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide 08/12/2016

Greetings intrepid travelers and explorers! This week’s digest of Destination Guide is chock full of spots both new and familiar that are sure to quench your thirst for something to do. One of Second Life’s oldest vampire and Goth communities is celebrating a major milestone of 12 years! Drop by Transylvania - Vampire Empire and experience the dark and delightful danse macabre with live music, DJs, and even a ball.

When those Transylvanian spooky kids get their fill of flowing velvet and lace, and the Vampire Empire celebration creeps back into the shadows, you must drop into LoveFest a Lovecraft-inspired adventure that kicks off on August 13th.

There’s so much more happening inworld a live stream video webcast with songwriters, musicians and artists, beautifully built regions for photography, and even free dance lessons!

And, if you don’t already know the details the official Second Life Flickr page is where we select images to feature on our social media channels as part of the Pic of the Day program. Share your inworld adventures with other Second Life Residents, and you may also get featured.

You can also submit your spot for Destination Guide consideration, if it’s not there and you’d like it to be.

Let’s get inworld eras, ideas, inspiration, and so much more await!


Transylvania - Vampire Empire Turns 12

Give in to your dark side and enjoy a week of Gothic-themed events as part of Transylvania's 12th birthday celebration. Transylvania is now one of the oldest communities in SL and features a thriving social scene where everyone is welcome. With live music, DJ's, stage performances, a Gothic formal ball and red carpet parties, there is plenty to see. Event held through August 13th.

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LoveFest 2016

Welcome to LoveFest 2016! Shop in a New England coastal town area and enjoy entertainment aboard a 1920's era cruise ship. Join Lovecraft-inspired adventures beginning Aug. 13 through 21. More info at lovefest.wordpress.com.

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London City Carnival

August is a busy time in London City, with real life tie-in events including the London Carnival, Beer Fest, Reggae street bands, concerts and beach scene. Get the most out of summer! More details at mainlandlondon.blogspot.co.uk

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West of the Rain

West of the Rain was conceived to be a tribute to the beautiful San Juan Islands as envisioned by the builders Nodnol Jameson and Oobleck Allagash. It showcases the nature and beauty of the Pacific NW.

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My Father's Place Presents!

My Father’s Place (MFP) presents a live video webcast series from Long Island, NY. Featuring original musicians and songwriters, as well as famous recording artists. At the Virtual MFP venue, you can experience live mixed-reality shows, explore interactive photos from the book, listen to archived shows, watch the WLIR documentary, play rock trivia, dance, and mingle at the bar. Open through October.

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ASTRALIA features an astral surreal landscape for photographers and art lovers. In the middle of my journey, I found myself at a stroke within a beautiful landscape, surreal, Astral. Nothing was in place according to logic and common sense, everything was in order according to the soul. There is no a landscape more surreal than an astral one.

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New Beginnings Farmstead

From time to time we all want to make a fresh start in life, to close the door on the past and open ourselves up to a new beginning. Welcome to my new beginning. Feel free to walk around and explore. Photographers welcome.

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CADERU 2016 Summer

Wha unique items t will you discover at this Japanese hunt and shopping event, held through Sept. 10? More info at asuma46kuma.wixsite.com/caderu

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Free Dance Lessons Exhibit at LEA1

Visit Swing City and learn to dance! In this 1940's-era city and CP Swing dance hall, you'll learn about dancing while you meet and dance with class members. There are live instructor classes weekly with costume changes and live tips and techniques. Self-guided classes run 24x7. Join in at any time. Dance lessons brought to you FREE by 2LDance.org now through September at LEA1.

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Galaxy Raceway

Race on a 1000 meter-high track that includes multiple jumps, a "loop d' loop," Wall of Death, Galaxy Track, Shooting Range and more. Speed track results are cleared weekly!

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City Of Jupiter

The City of Jupiter is a urban roleplay sim set in Florida. The City of Jupiter houses multiple city-initiated departments, including police, fire, medical, residential and tourism spots.

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British Car Boot Sales

Visit SL's only Car Boot! Car Booting is a British tradition that is a bit like a flea market. Sell your unwanted clutter and gachas here in an authentic car boot setting.

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Cafe Wellstone

Cafe Wellstone is one of the oldest gathering place for progressives in SL. Deejays play great music almost every night and there is plenty of dancing and great chat.

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Summer Art Show

Don't miss the Summer 2016 Art Show, which features a combined 50 2D and 3D artists in Second Life! This week-long celebration of the arts will feature live performers, deejays, parties, shopping, a hunt and more! Event held Aug. 12-20. For more information, visit kultivatemagazine.com/summer-art-show.

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