Casper Warden of CasperVend Collecting Donations to Support Victims of Orlando Shooting
The Second Life community comes together in incredible, compassionate ways that serve as a badge to show what amazing, diverse, and accepting communities we have all over the grid. Love is love is love is love is love.
In light of the tradegy that struck Orlando nightclub, Pulse this past weekend, Casper Warden of CasperVend has set up a kiosk in his mainstore to collect donations for the GoFundMe set up by Equality Florida to benefit and support the victims of this horrific event.
You can donate to the GoFundMe directly if you choose, or donate inworld at the kiosk Casper Warden has set up here - which has already collected an impressive amount of L$s which he plans to donate to the GoFundMe.
If you would like to add a etworked kiosk to your own location inworld that will get added to the donations - you can buy one off the marketplace here.
Pic taken by Strawberry Singh - who has written a blog that covers other ways in which you can help - here.
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