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Calling All Creators for Project Bento Filming Party for the Drax Files

Linden Lab


Project Bento is one of the biggest changes to the Second Life avatar ever! More than 90 new bones have been added to accommodate features like subtle facial expressions, articulating fingers, smoothly-flapping wings, waving tails, and much more that was previously impossible or required complex workarounds.

If you’re a creator who’s testing out Project Bento, or one who’s eager to give it a try - now is the perfect time! We’re looking for creators to show off some of the possibilities of Project Bento for an upcoming episode of

. There are detailed instructions on how to get started and how to get to the beta grid (aditi) on our wiki page. (TIP:Testing on Aditi does not cost you upload fees!)

On January 19th at NOON SLT, there will be an open casting call for anyone who has built something with Bento to come show off their work. Selected creators may be filmed and/or interviewed to be featured in an upcoming episode of the Drax Files. You will need to login to Aditi in order to access the location (secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Bento%20Island/128/128/23). The location will not be open until NOON SLT on January 10th Information about Aditi and how to access it is located on our wiki.

In addition to the open casting call, creators are encouraged to contact Draxtor Despres inworld with information about what they're making. Video, screenshots, descriptions - the more information the better, and the sooner you can share that - the better as well. Chosen creations and their creators will be contacted with information for a private filming on  January 20th, 2016, with Draxtor and Torley Linden.  

Machinimists are encouraged to come film during the open casting and get an early peek at the creative ways Project Bento is being utilised.


A sneak peek at the set and props being built for the filming project. 
There are no awards - everyone is encouraged to come show their Project Bento creations.

Here are a few examples of what some creators have already accomplished with Project Bento that will inspire you to try out Project Bento and come show off your work!




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