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A Call for Second Life Halloween Snapshots

One of Second Life Residents’ favorite holidays is coming up at the end of next month - but that doesn’t mean we can’t start celebrating Halloween now! We’re already seeing a ton of spectacular haunts being submitted to the Destination Guide, and now we’re looking for some of your great inworld images!.

Share your Halloween themed images, and your work could be featured in an upcoming email or banner campaign - with your avatar name credited of course! Do you like to dress your avatar up in costumes - travel the haunted spots all over Second Life, and generally run amok during this time of year? Why not show off your fun with images?

Share your pic on our Official Flickr Page with the tag “SLHalloween2015” so that we can see all of your amazing works. You may submit as many as you like between now and September 28th, 2015.

We’ll showcase the chosen image(s) in an email to Residents, as well as in some banner campaigns. We’ll let the chosen image creators know via Flickr and ask for an avatar name for the credits.

Tips for your submissions:

  • Make sure that your submissions are appropriate for all audiences.
  • Show your avatar or avatars in a scene inworld - an image that tells a story is going to make an impression.
  • Keep your image free of additional text/logos
  • Higher resolution images work best.

Good luck and get to haunting!





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