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Second Life Community Remembers Lumiere Noir - Creator of the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives

The Second Life community mourns the passing of friend, colleague, and mentor - Lumiere Noir.

For information about his contributions and legacy in Second Life, take a moment to read these insightful reflections from other members of the Second Life community who have been impacted by Lumiere's work, as well as the comments and memories being shared on his profile.

Ciaran Laval

Inara Pey

New World Notes

Daniel Voyager

Visit the The Ivory Tower Libeary of Primitives - Lumiere's long standing Creator resource where Residents are paying their respects.




Ivory Tower Library of Primitives

This self-guided, self-paced, comprehensive building tutorial also includes a weapons testing area and safe sandboxes where you can try out your newly-acquired skills.

Visit in Second Life


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