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Academic Showcase in Second Life



Does your campus have a cool 3D exhibit created in SL? Or do you have a unique learning experience or research project that you want to share with a larger audience? Tell us about it!

As the new semester approaches, Linden Lab ushers in the new school year with a celebration of the best in interactive academic offerings in SL. Starting on Aug. 15, we’ll debut the Academic Showcase –  a new, limited-time Destination Guide category that aims to spotlight some of the many interactive learning exhibits, online education events, and other academic pursuits in Second Life.

This opportunity is open to all SL venues that house 3D learning projects – so it isn’t limited to real-life universities. To contact the Second Life editorial team, use the Destination Guide Submission Suggestion form with a description, SLurl and suggested image that represents your project.

We’ll be rounding up the best submissions for inclusion in the Academic Showcase, which will soon be accessible on the Destination Guide on SecondLife.com and inside the Second Life Viewer.

Can’t wait til Aug. 15? You can explore some of the best ongoing academic SL offerings now in our existing Destination Guide Education category. Unlike the upcoming Academic Showcase category, which is meant to spotlight specific learning projects, the broader Education category will continue to spotlight the overall educational institutions and nonprofits in Second Life.


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