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Marketplace offline April 6th, 5am -8am SLT

Linden Lab


We have some important upgrades planned for our database back end. To ensure the best possible transition to the updated version, we're taking the extra precaution of taking the Second Life Marketplace offline from 5am - 8am SLT on April 6th, 2023. L$ transactions will not be impacted. As soon as the work is complete, we'll post an update on our Status Blog at status.secondlife.com, so be sure to subscribe to updates to be notified as quickly as possible. 

We apologize in advance for this disruption and especially appreciate your patience as we prepare for future projects which depend on this work.

While we aren't expecting any in-world problems once the maintenance is complete, if you notice any new issues with everyday operations that impact Second Life inventory - updating/copying/modifying items, changing outfits, giving an object to another Resident, etc. please let us know as quickly as possible. You can file a Jira issue to communicate directly with our development team, or contact our support team if that's more convenient. No one knows the world of Second Life as well as Residents, and we value your input and assistance as we continue to update the grid's fundamental technologies. Thank you!

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