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Drax Files: World Makers, Episode 2 Wins Best Machinima Award

Yesterday, The Drax Files: World Makers, Episode 2 won the Best Machinima award at the New Media Film Festival - a festival that explores storytelling through new media technologies - congratulations to Draxtor Despres!

This episode predates Linden Lab's sponsorship of the series, but the compelling story it tells, the awesome Second Life creativity it highlights, and the high production quality are all great examples of why we're proud to support the series.

We asked Drax about his win and this is what he had to say:

To have our little mini documentary played on the big screen & observe the audience reaction is extremely gratifying.

For me there is no greater reward than seeing preconceived notions and misperceptions about Second Life fall by the wayside and being replaced by understanding of what virtual worlds can be.

It becomes clear  that for these folks this is the first time the possibilities of  virtual reality for education and historical study are being presented in this way .

I am also very grateful for Jo and all the others who are portrayed in these videos because when they come forward and put up the courage to let a camera capture their "real" life they become spokespeople for all of us and hopefully inspire others to "come out" and tell their story!

 Watch the award-winning episode




Catch up on the whole series




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