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SL11B is Coming - Community Celebration and Call for Events

Happy Birthday to …. Second Life!

While it’s only the middle of May, June is fastly approaching and the time is now to start planning your Second Life Birthday celebrations! As in past years, we’ll wrangle the best of the best in Second Life Birthday events and corral them into a special SL11B category on our Destination Guide during the month of June.

If you are planning an event that commemorates the occasion - submit your event or party information to the Second Life Destination Guide Submission Form (use the misc category) or via editor@lindenlab.com, using “SL11B” in subject line on the form or email.

There’s also the Second Life 11th Birthday Community Celebration - a resident-driven event that promises tons of amazing fun and excitement for everyone. If you’re interested in being part of SL11BCC and applying as an exhibitor, performer, or volunteer, be sure to submit before the deadline - Tuesday, May 20th at noon Pacific.

As the birthday approaches, watch this space for more information - we have a surprise or two planned as well!

Are you ready to party?


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