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Fantasy Faire - a Relay for Life Event - Welcome to the Fairelands!

The magic of the Fantasy Faire, 2014 has enchanted the Second Life Community. This event benefits Relay for Life which supports the American Cancer Society.

For more information about the event, sponsor, organizations, and creators you can visit the Fantasy Faire website.

There is sure to be plenty of wondrous things to peruse and delight the senses, but be sure to marvel in the painstakingly crafted details of each unique area. All of them were clearly made with a love for emersion, beauty and atmosphere. On the website, you can read about each region. Here is a small quote from DRD designer and Dwarfins contributor, Jaimy Hancroft about her design.

“Hope’s Horizon was born in Tolkien’s mind.  The sim is inspired by the great city of Minas Tirith and I am dedicating this build to my dad, who passed away a couple years ago of cancer. He was a major Lord of the Rings fan and this was my chance to do something great to make him proud."

It's only here until May 11th, so don't miss out on your chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and shop for a great cause.

The portals are open - teleport there now!


Fantasy Faire 2014

Celebrating its sixth year, the Fantasy Faire is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From May 1st through the 11th, treat yourself to eleven days of shopping, live music concerts, auctions, hunts and roleplaying. Come join thousands of Second Life residents and creators as they bring their visions together in support of the American Cancer Society.

Visit in Second Life

Draxtor Despres put together

which shows off some of the amazing region builds.




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