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The Drax Files Episode 19: Virtual Chemistry at Texas A&M

Join Draxtor Despres and Julia Tiraxibar for an inside look at another type of virtual chemistry - in the Chemistry Lab! Tiraxibar teaches Chemistry at Texas A&M University. She teaches with students who use Second Life in the Lab to conduct experiments and study the properties of matter in a 3D environment.

Find out more about how a National Science Foundation educational grant is helping students learn in Second Life by watching the latest episode of the Drax Files here<link>, or below in the embedded



Looking to scratch that Drax Files itch? Find all the previous episodes at Draxtor’s Website or below.

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 1: Kriss Lehmann

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 2: Jo Yardley

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 3: Eshi Otawara

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 4: Fantasy Faire / RFL

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 5: Engrama

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 7: Rod Humble

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 8: MadPea Games

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 9: Elie Spot

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 10: Robin Sojourner

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode11: Dwarfins

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 12: Ole Etzel

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 13: Creations for Parkinson's

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 14: Rose Borchovski

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 15: Scottius Polke

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 16: Feed a Smile

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 17: Zachh Barkley

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 18: Paradise Lost


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