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Join Virtual Ability's Mental Health Symposium Saturday - April 26, 7am-5pm PDT

Are you interested in how virtual worlds can and do help support people with disabilities? If so join in the conversation and attend *Virtual Ability's Mental Health Symposium. This year’s conference will be held this Saturday, inworld at the Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island.

Presenters will focus on discussion around  research, practice, and insight that reflect on the theme "Quality of Life."

The Symposium is Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 7 am - 5 pm PDT.

The conference schedule and more information about Virtual Ability and this event, is available on their website.

*Virtual Ability, Inc. is a non-profit corporation based in Colorado, USA. Their mission is to enable people with a wide range of disabilities by providing a supporting environment for them to enter and thrive in online virtual worlds.




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