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Second Life University - How to Update your Avatar’s Body with Ebody Reborn Mesh Body

Linden Lab


Ebody Reborn Mesh Body.jpg

Class is back in session! Second Life University returns today with a pre-recorded video by Boston Blaisdale as he shows you how to update your avatar’s body using the Ebody Reborn body. This is the next video in our series which will cover the variety of mesh bodies and heads available on the grid

Watch the premiere of the Ebody Reborn Female Mesh Body video at 10am PT: 

Here is a glimpse at the topics he will cover in this video:

  • Search and Teleport to the Ebody store
  • Try a DEMO before purchasing
  • Remove clothing from current outfit on system avatar using worn tab
  • Unpack Reborn body from Objects folder and go through folder
  • Add body parts - always remember to "Add" rather than "Wear" 
  • Ebody Reborn body is already BOM by default
  • Add the HUD from the folder and maximize it
  • Try on body skins and neck blends
  • Try out the shapes the body comes with and then edit and make your own
  • Familiarize yourself with the Ebody HUD
  • Use Materials sliders in the HUD to add shine and glossiness to the skin
  • Adjust the tint of the skin tone
  • Ebody has various add-ons for squishy boobs and thighs
  • Ebody has a Reborn monthly shopping event where third-party creators are invited to sell items for this body
  • Use the Alpha tab to hide body parts
  • Use the Pose tab to try hand animations
  • Adjust nail in the nails tab
  • Adjust your feet angle in the pose tab
  • Fix your broken ankles by using Ankle Lock in the Pose tab

Stay tuned for future updates about Second Life University. Happy learning!

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