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Support the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars

Our thoughts today are with all of those who are suffering in the devastation caused by the earthquakes in Japan and the tsunami in the Pacific. We encourage all Second Life Residents to support the relief efforts however they can, and we would like to help.
We have created two special Linden Bears--one that is wearable and one that sits--which are now for sale in the Marketplace at several pricing levels: L$300, L$1,000 and L$3,000. Here’s the direct link to purchase them. We will donate all proceeds from sales of this bear to the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief efforts of the American Red Cross. 
Please help us to support the relief efforts - buy the bears, and help spread the word in Second Life.
Additionally, we know that independent groups in Second Life are also planning to support relief efforts. For example, Radar Magazine in Second Life will be holding a month-long event and are seeking designers to donate virtual items (see this article for details). If your group is planning an inworld relief effort, then please share it in the comments here.

Thank you,



UPDATE -- April 14, 2011: Thank you to everyone who contributed to this campaign! In total, this doation drive raised more than L$8.3 million.

The special-edition Linden bears are no longer for sale, but you can of course contribute directly to the charity of your choice and participate in the numerous efforts to support Japan in Second Life organized by fellow Residents. (If your group is planning an inworld relief effort, then please do share it with us in the comments here.)


Recommended Comments

Suella Ember


Great idea!

Can I also suggest that LL consider doing similar for major chairty events in the future. Perhaps you could even pick a preferred charity, or do a different charity each year. I know there are many great people raising money for charities inworld for which we should be hugely grateful, but I think that if LL were to do something more formal people might feel more secure in the knowledge that their donations would get to the charity.

Offering a script that people could use to set up donation boxes etc in their own locations that made sure all payments went direct to a defined account such as "Donations Linden" might also help :)

There's always a slight uncertainty when donating inworld to an anonymous avatar, so being able to make donations via LL might ultimately help raise more money. Just a though.

Anyway - my thoughts go out to the people of Japan and anyone affected by the earthquake \ tsunami.

Brielle Coronet


Wonderful idea. I also would love a vendor for our club if there is one. And is there a way to promote this through FB and/or Twitter? 

Lorna Volitant


The Japanese government have expressed explicitly that they do not want any money donating towards relief efforts, they have enough money to cope with the crisis, and are not asking for any donations from anywhere. Where other nations can possibly help is by sending expert rescue teams and equipment to assist.

Aeron Constantine


Ozimals will be hosting a fundraiser shortly with all proceeds to be used in relief efforts for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief efforts - We will release details shortly.

Venus Petrov


Everyone wants another Linden Bear!  What a great idea. 



Awesome! What a great way to show we care. My prayers go out to all.

romi77779 Doobie


Help is need from all sides lets see how sl is unite,and kikunosuke Eel has Donation Box's around Japan tempura island and all the Donate will go to Donation Linden .:)

Tempura Familly

DKOO1 Doobie


Nice idea!!,Kim.

【Retweet】Support the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars: http://bit.ly/g1nepp




Great idea. And ofcourse i've donated via buying a bear. Over the years i've used SL i've met people from Japan and they've been amongst the nicest and honest people i've ever met. My thoughts and prayers go out to all people who have been affected by this disaster.

linky Nishi


Hallo, leider kann ich nicht in englisch schreiben und hoffe jemand kann es übersetzen.

Wir machen morgen ( 13.03.2011 11AM ) mit unserem kleinen Club ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Thousand%20Oaks/100/92/23 )eine Spendenaktion und werden den Erlös beisteuern. Jeder der Mitwirken oder auch nur spenden möchte ist willkommen. Wir möchten damit zeigen das wir kein Haufen geistloser Spielsüchtiger sind . Nein hinter jedem ava steckt ein Mensch und sicher auch viele die unter dieser Katastrofe leiden.  Gerade auch gegenüber diesen Mitspielern haben wir die Pflicht und Verantwortung zu helfen.

Also schön spenden und helfen.

KazuKi Bombastic


Also for all those who want to give a Donation by Credit card, visit the link below for the Japanese American Association of Southern California who just set up a website for donations.


Japan Relief Fund


Swimmie Chaffe


Hi Kim, I dropped NCs to you and Donation Linden. I would like it if you could make/endorse an official vendor that allows creators donate proceeds from their creation directly to the fund. I made the vendor myself and included in the notecard, in case it can be any use, but I am a novice scripter. If you are going to do that, I'd volunteer to translate English instruction to Japanese, so that it is easier for Japanese creators (and we have many wonderful ones!) to participate.

I hope you could take a look at them and respond. Thanks for your efforts to raise the fund to help victims of Earthquake. I was born and raised in Japan and my family and friends are still there, some are in the area that is deeply affected by the quake. I'd be glad if I could do something to help a long and painful process of recovery, in RL and in SL.

Senban Babii


I've just bought my bear.  It may not be much by itself but if we all buy one, it all adds up.

Tommika Crystal


This is amazing. I will so get one :3 ♥ 

Prize Pyle


It's great to see Linden providing a way for - residents - to donate to the relief effort.   It would be even greater to see Linden Research donate as well - I suggest matching all donations residents are making via this method.



patrick Thorkveld



The best way to contact or locate U.S. citizens living or traveling in Japan is to contact the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1-888-407-4747 or (202) 647-5225. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has offered to assist Japan with restoring family links.
In addition, with ongoing evacuations in the United States, the Red Cross Safe and Well website is a secure and easy-to-use online tool that helps families connect during emergencies like tsunamis.
There are several easy ways to register yourself or search for a loved one on the Safe and Well website: from a computer, visit www.redcross.org, from a smartphone visit www.redcross.org/safeandwell or from any phone, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for help registering.
For the very latest information on the American Red Cross response to the Japanese Earthquake and Pacific tsunami, please visit http://newsroom.redcross.org/.


MrsFaith Silverfall


Hello Greath idea i start  this morning in simple clothes made and colord and i both some clothes on the market and 2 bears Title of my previeuw was Yup there you walk with the bear

with lewtex faith i start on 11:00am amsterdam time in tempura i had a orange resque jacket on a bear under my arm and i made note cards lew was dressed in amulance clothing with red cross on , i had a taxi cap on made white with texture red cross we talkt manny people in tempura and start telling and selling bears by guid people to the side

i dont now anymoore how much bears i sell but i think between 200 or moore some want to give me all the money but i direct them to the side or i buy the bears fore them i lend money fore people who has short money , it was great day and i hope we have give the linden bears a good start , becaurse logd in people did not now wat happen and securyty was fast but nice to us and the buy bears to from side well i hope we have give this the right push to make it a good start. and we hope and pray fore the people in japan my japanese contacts are some save others i dont now yet.

Facebook is working on it to i saw. so we go on telling about the  bears i wish  that whole sl wear a bear that wil be 

nice and a extra bonus from linden to double the selling is a wish to.

And all your lovely avatars thanks fore all the love and nice conversations and respect you give me and lew and thanks fore buy so much bears and its a fact this bear we need to  show or help and respect to japan. 

Rusalka Writer


Good job and thank you. I'm a Red Cross volunteer on Kauai and spent Thursday night at an evacuation center, hoping we wouldn't have to open a shelter. We were lucky, but so many have been less so. This is pitch-perfect and much appreciated. Mahalo.

Elite Runner


I placed donation boxes at my stores in Second Life and I'm selling a sign with a Japanese flag and text saying to pray for victims of the Japan tsunami/quake in English and Japanese. (I used Google Translate for the translation) for L$500 at the in-world stores at Little Blue Island and at City of Concord sims AND at the Second Life marketplace. We have a couple sales in the first hour since the launch so far, and willing to have many more before the weekend is over.

winds Seiling


I thank you sincerely for actions. It is "Support the Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami Relief with Linden Dollars". But my friend bought it and said the money decrease. I bought it and can not reach me. lol

Kathmandu Gilman


I would rather give my Lindens to a Japanese based charity where 100% goes to the aid of the victims but then again that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the ARC because in my experience, while they are handing out coffee and doughnuts to disaster victims, other charities like the Salvation Army are handing out blankets, tents, MRE's and water.

Lynaja Bade


this is a really great idea. i dont think i would donate in any other way in second life, because many ppl have abused  charity to used the money for themself . knowing that LL will pass the money to the right organisation gives me a save feeling. the situation in japan is really horrible. words can't describe. I hope many residents will buy a bear and if its only for 300L. <3

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