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2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference

Terrence Linden


The 4th Annual Best Practices in Education (VWBPE 2011) conference is just around the corner! It will take place in Second Life on March 17-19, 2011. Attendance and presentations grows each year and the VWBPE has become widely regarded as one of the most important inworld education events of the year and a great opportunity for you, as an educator, to share knowledge and experiences with your colleagues from around the globe.

Last year, more than 2,000 people from 69 countries and territories attended 170 presentations over an action-packed 48 hours. This year’s event will again include the popular international stream and, for the first time, a machinima stream--giving all budding metaverse directors an opportunity to showcase their work. We also welcome our recently transferred Teen Second Life educators to this year’s event and look forward to learning more about the great work that they do. The conference won’t be all work though. Continuing in the spirit of past years, fun social activities will have people buzzing over the entire 53 hour event. In the words of the event coordinator, "Dust off your best frock, or tux, and get ready for the gala awards ceremony. We’re told it’s the place to be seen!"

Details about the entire range of events and presentations will be available when the organizing committee releases the program in the next couple of weeks. Until then, if you’ve got a question about streams, or anything else relating to the event, then you can contact the organizers at info@vwbpe.org or check the official website at www.vwbpe.org. The gateway sim, VWBPE Gateway, will open to the public on March 16, so feel free to drop by to say ‘hello’ to the organizers. And, if you’re interested in volunteering, then the event organizers would love to hear from you at volunteers@vwbpe.org.

VWBPE 2011 is being organized and run by the education community for the education community – it is YOUR conference. It is a FREE conference that is made possible by the generous contributions of time, money, and facilities by volunteers and conference partners: Linden Lab, Thinkerer Studios, Rockcliffe, SpotOn3D, and Designing Digitally. While acknowledging the generous sponsorship already in place, the conference organizers advise that extra funds for activities such as providing transcribers and recording the sessions for viewing after the event are always welcome! If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring, then please direct them here.

VWBPE 2011 will be your chance to join the educator community, share best practices and celebrate all that is great about this vibrant and important community. We look forward to another great conference and seeing you there!


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It's a shame that he last blogs.secondlife.com seemed so overwhelming that I never checked it on a regular basis. Overwhelming in the sense that there were so many categories, and the education category wasn't a prominent one. Thus I missed out on the call for submitting presentation proposals, the deadline for which was mid Feb. Ah well, maybe next year. :( Looks interesting though. I'll try to attend. :)

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Is there any opportunity for attend this conference , or it become so  late now??

and if  there still opportunity in what land this conference?


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