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Linden Lab



PLEASE READ OUR UPDATED EVENT REGIONS BLOG POST: https://second.life/eventregions

Greetings Second Life Community!

We are excited to bring you a shiny new land product: presenting “Event Regions”!


Have you ever dreamed of being able to hold large scale events in Second Life? Have you ever wished you could keep the lag monster at bay during large events? Perhaps you just want your scripts to all go vroom?  Well wonder, wait and wish no more! Sporting the latest upgrades in grid technologies that have been enabled by our migration to the cloud, these regions have been tested running large events in real-world scenarios such as those really big monthly shopping events, and live performances! Our tests saw nearly 200 avatars successfully able to shop and party in these regions.   

We are really excited to present this new region offering to you today.  Here are the details on the capabilities and what is included with the Event Regions type:

  • A maximum avatar limit of 175 per Event region
  • Up to 30,000 land impact
    *Region will support up to 30,000 Land Impact. During performance testing, Linden Lab has identified a few cases where exceeding 20,000 Land Impact will degrade performance with a large number of concurrent visitors.
  • Extended chat ranges upon request, allowing chat to travel further across the region
  • RaaS: Rollbacks as a Service - Request to restore your region to a previous state as needed. Some restrictions apply
  • IaaS: Instancing as a Service - Request to have your region duplicated to another region
  • White glove Concierge service
  • Over 20% Improved script performance

Pricing Details:

For initial release, we are pleased to offer an introductory price of $599, with no additional setup fee through June 6, 2022. Following the introductory pricing, event regions will have a set-up fee of US$999 (includes first month), and a rate of $899/month after the first 30 days.

Here’s how to order:

image (7).png

If you would like additional information, please contact support and we’ll be happy to help.

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