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Maturity Changes in the Marketplace

Brooke Linden


Hi all,

As  many of you know, the teen grid was shut down on Friday. This week, we  will be rolling out some changes in Marketplace to ensure Residents  under 18 will not be exposed to adult content. Here is a quick summary  of what changes will be occurring.

Phase 1: 1/27 Release
On  Thursday, the Marketplace will move to the General, Moderate, and Adult  content levels already in use in the Viewer. Just prior to this release  (starting on Wednesday), we will be running a process that will add a  content level to existing items. Once the release has been completed,  you will be able to review the ratings set on your Marketplace listings  by viewing your inventory: there will be a new column “Maturity” showing  what level the item falls into. Search will now support viewing general  or moderate/adult content. Please view the updated listing guidelines (link points to the current guidelines) on Thursday for more details.

Note  that, in addition to automated process to migrate listings, it will  continue to be possible to flag listings. Please take some time after  the new guidelines are posted to review your listings and make sure they  comply. People will be able to start flagging listings based upon the  new guidelines on Thursday (though I do not expect that we will see much of this right away), so the sooner you can do this, the better!

Phase 2: by 2/28/2011
Before  the end of February, Marketplace will be updated to allow setting  maturity level preferences at a more granular level than is currently  supported, such as allowing Residents to view moderate content without  adult content included.

Why was this done in 2 steps? Timing, pure and simple. We  wanted to ensure we had the proper controls in place as soon as  possible for the teens entering the main grid. Phase 2 will provide  further refinement.

A quick update on Maturity is on the agenda for the Marketplace Office Hours on 1/26.



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The three category rating is a farce, What other internet site do you know that has such a system?  Mature (Adult) & PG are very effectively used everywhere else no problems easy to define. However the Labbies and Labettes have decided that we all need micro managing. And thus have  redefined the age old methods of  categorizing what is adult and what is juvenile - Hence their need to use 3 words on the Maturity button now where as just 1 was  all it needed before. That's 'going' forward as Brooke said in her meeting.

The moderate category is a farce both in world and in the market place.

As for references to kids and children that folks keep making - there are at present no children allowed on the grid. All this  upheaval is being put in place for a few 16 and 17 year olds. Now where I come from 16 year olds  can get married and start having a family and can have wine with their meal in a restaurant and 17 year olds can join the army and die for their country. Hardly kids I'd say.

So my guess and theory is the 3 tier category is actually spearheading a move towards allowing real kids onto the grid or at least prepare SL for a buyout by someone who would like to have  real kids on the grid.


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Thank you for your interest in the YuNi Dumb Bells.


This is a set of Dumbbells, designed for use everywhere without the need of poseballs or a gym. Now you can workout your muscles and look cool anywhere and in any situation.


The weights only animate your arms. So you can walk, sit, stand, fly and keep working out


In the Box:
- 4 dumb bells (2 sizes left and right hand)
- 3 animations for each side
- a very heavy weight, too heavy for anyone to lift - with animation (copy/transfer)
- a notecard with easy instructions




if you click one of the dumb bells while wearing them, they will cycle through 4 different animations, and also sync both hands if you click


To workout attach one or both dumb bells and the workout animation will start.
The animation have the highest priority, so they should override most other animations and you can use them in most situations.
Some AOs have high prioritys too, so if you do not see the animations, disable your AO.


The "Heavy Weight" is too heavy for anyone too lift. You can give it to people you want to make fun off


Enjoy your workout.


Yuriko  Nishi



what about this description is adult, like your website keeps telling me?

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LOL - you have the word 'sexy' in your keyword and the rather well endowed lady pumping iron is smoking a cigarette which would automatically place in the moderate category at least


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Lasher Oh wrote:


The three category rating is a farce,

I call it simply typical USA hypocrisy (as I pointed out with the slut wear example). The rating system in it self I have no problem with, but how it is defined. I seriously can not find any strong words or any word that might hint to maturity or adult in my listings yet it is flagged as mature. LL gives me no clue what so ever about what words are not allowed, the listing guidelines are no help either. The least they could do is have a list somewhere in alphabetical order that we could skim through, but not even that. This whole maturity thing is just being done to prevent possible legal actions towards LL. It's not like the teens can't and wont activate the mature checkbox.

The USA remark was not pointed at the US people btw (love you guys ), but the hypocritical system.

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i removed the word sexy from the listing to try. no change...

also i have the word in other items, where it is no problem. also it shouldn´t be imo.

also big breasts are no indicator to adult content imo. they are completely dressed...

i see that tobacco use is considered mature by LL. but thats the picture, not the text that gets scanned by the software.

looks like i have to take another picture once LL tells me why the text is rated adult...(or censor the pic with a black square)

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You'll be told quick enough, when the International Flagging  Festival starts on February 1st we will all find that our pictures are scrutinised pixel by pixel for the tiniest hints of nipple colour or threads of pubic whatever. Bootsy's observations about slut wear are very true. As with all censorship in life it comes with a huge dollops of hypocracy and confusion.

Good luck with the listings Yuriko I feel you have been very unfairly clobbered.


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I'm not sure of the real-world age limit on buying tobacco--like RL age-of-consent it may not be 18 in other countries than the USA--but there are age limits. So at that level, it isn't crazy. Though virtual items for roleplay--pass me the pipeweed, Mr. Underhill--maybe should be less tightly restricted than reality. Do Linden Lab have something better than the initial automated pass to clear this sort of ambiguity? I don't know.

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I know that quite a lot of items suitable for general historical situations are tagged "Gorean". John Norman took a lot of historical info and fitted it to his setting, so you have books centred on Vikings and Mongols as a starting model. If you're merchant selling a longship model, it's been worth the "Gorean" tag. But John Norman's fictional world of "Gor" is notorious for the controversial sexual customs built into it. And now we've got Teens on the main grid, the Lindens are nervous.

So. painful though it is, I can see merchants taking a hard look at that label. It may be better to drop it for the history-based items, so that all customers can see them, and those wanting items for a Gor-inspired location or AV can find them by looking for real-world labels. What I remember from when I read a few of the books (I was a teen) was that the historical settings used for Gor did overlap in similar ways to the real history. Vikings in Constantinople, for instance, or meeting Arab traders. Even some of the caste-colours he used in Gor are real-world plausible--red for warriors, wasn't it?

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No, bondage and BDSM eint for kids. but its not adult, its mature. My gag piercing, isnt adult. its mature. theres no sexual aspect of it. Fetish on the other hand, is defined as sexual. not that i want it moved allso. Its just so stupid.


And im going to loose coutless sales, mostly because ppl wil forget to opt. allso , i just payed 1000L for showing of an item thats now adult, and i wil not be gettig the publicity i payed for as its now for the few that tick the box. Its under the BDSM accesorie category in any case, so kids shouldnt wander about... is that category restricted allso now? i dunno. Wouldnt be below them.

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thanks ll!

i was getting concerend about you guys, business was going ok for a couple of weeks so i wondered if you are all ok over there at the lab.

i am glad you´re back to screw it up again!


just spent 30 minutes looking through all my listings, because you changed 1 to adult, of course you didnt tell me which, or why. and you dont let me change the rating back, from adult to general.


ps: thanks too for the early warning via email !

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Brooke, you need to completely ditch the over-zealous keyword matching when people manually edit items.  It's wrongly forcing listings to A rating when they should be ok as a M.  There are also cases being reported in the in-world SL Commerce Merchants group chat of G items getting forced to A inappropriately.  At the very least, it should be disabled for manual listing edits, as it is wrongfully limiting the visibility of our products.

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The way this rating system is being implemented is from the perspective and for the convenience for LL, not the merchants. Their backs are legally covered now so their job is done. The merchants are on their own and just have to deal with it (again) and go hunt down any word that is vaguely considered mature them self's...whatever the flagged words may be. No consideration or thought about how it affects the merchants that will have restore their listings to the proper rating setting. Last I will say about it.

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And once again we merchants are just the working slaves. And the best part is them saying we have THREE days to be done with the re-rating while LL needed months to finally invent such and need another month to MAYBE finally get that god-damn rating button sticky... Not to mention the permissions, search-word etc. etc.


PS: And re-rating doesn't even work properly! Even without the oh-so-bad words it still jumps back, although it actually worked with exactly these settings on the first item. Sorry, but this is just another of these things to keep people busy with crap. LL, you're stealing OUR time, which is the most precious thing we have!

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So this "new edition" of the LL commerce team seems to have cleanly taken the baton from all the previous Commerce Teams - following all the well known practices and skewed priorities that we Merchants have suffered through from all the previous administrations of the LL Commerce Teams.

Once again, THIS commerce team feels its of a higher priority to deal with the SLM item maturity rating system (which does absolutely NOTHING positive for Merchant nor Customer - and is only a legal CYA for LL internally since they have now allowed children onto an adult grid) then to finish of the SLM deployment that they rammed on to us Merchants last year.

We Merchants are still waiting - and will likely never see - the finishing touches on some of the critical features that xstreet had (even though it was limited in xstreet) and were removed or rendered utterly useless.  Yeah - I read this past weeks mutated and hard to read Commerce Open Office meeting transcripts where Brooke mention features like SLM Reporting is of interest to them to tackle.... blah blah blah... same thing the previous LL Commerce Administration promised and never delivered.

So while all the important tools, functions, services, features that Merchants need to generate more sales and better service to our customers continue to sit on LL's backburner "Honey Do List" of never completed deliverables (like overhauling the uselss SLM sales/traffic reporting), our new LL Commerce Team is focusing on delivery of the same market destroying and non-productive features to SLM.

Nice to see LL has placed another shiny coat of paint on this same old dog.

LL Commerce Team = New Faces slapped on the same LL practices.

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Ohhh... I guess this topic was getting to sensitive for the general commerce forum to see as this topic was moved to the secret ivory tower of the Merchant Roundtable for none but the "in the know" merchants to see.

As for this Maturity schmozzle....

I went to check if my sculpted landscape rocks and water (and even a few of my non sculpty products) were censored by this Maturity scan.  You never know... somehow maybe LL might think some of my landscape rock shapes / designs .... in the wrong hands... might be perceived to look like some sexual, immoral, kinky, lowbrow, deviant shape.

So far - as far as I can see, my items have no MATURE flag on them.  WHEW!   but i guess its more of a "please stay tuned" as it could still happen as LL Commerce Team cleanses the SLM of bad suff that children shouldnt see.


Exactly what percentage of the entire SL grid population (and all of our marketplace) is made up of minors that we all must not cater to because of the teen grid merge?  Thank goodness I make Kid Friendly rocks!

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Did this thread get moved or has it always been in the roundtable? Did LL automatically give all merchants rights here?

Gor is often not moderate or adult, you're cutting off people's reach here.

I see we're back to the silliness of references to alcohol being moderate, for goodness sake, they tried to put this guideline in place for inworld parcels and Linden Lab were told it was silly and removed it, The Simpsons has references to alcohol, World of Warcraft has references to alcohol, you can even get your avatar drunk and see the screen shake.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Did this thread get moved or has it always been in the roundtable? Did LL automatically give all merchants rights here?


It's been moved, which I find surpising considering it was started (and therefore categorized originally) by Brooke Linden.


Message was edited by: TatianaDokuchic Varriale for typos

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@Brooke Linden, whereas I agree that this is largely a merchant issue, please understand that people have traditionally needed to apply for access to this particular forum, therefore, unless you have already managed to automatically grant access rights to this forum for all active merchants, plenty of people won't have access to be able to find this thread and follow the discussion.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

Can't find the keyword list that people were working on at all.  Would like to know where that went - was helping some people out there.


I think the keyword list discussion "Censorship Keyword List" has been removed.  I replied to it and it no longer shows in my Recent Activity.  Go figure.

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Looks like all Censorship topics were moved in one sweep.

There is going to be a ton of merchants who need help over the weekend with this - who do not have access to this forum.  Not sure if they will be able to get access by the weekend.

Can't find the keyword list that people were working on at all.  Would like to know where that went - was helping some people out there.

Not particularly pleased with this method and message.

eta: Mook Maruti started the keyword list to help, and it's completely gone - checked his profile, and not listed anymore.  Checked your profile too, Tatianna, and not listed on yours either.

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History repeating itself - with the Censor censoring  discussions about censoring. We have been here a couple of years back when they started this adult content train wreck.  We began compiling a list of  known adult keys that were used by the search filters, but  it was deleted before it really got off the ground. But back then we had Lord Sullivans wiki where an extensive keyword list was compiled - sadly that has gone now. Maybe someone can give us some space to create a new one.

As for the weekenders who will be coming to all this fresh I sugest that we just keep starting new threads on the topic out in the open. Jeez if those people in Egypt can do what they are doing in the name of freedom, then I'm sure we can do our own bit to enlighten the other merchants not granted access to the black hole - know where we are at.


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TatianaDokuchic Varriale wrote:

Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

Can't find the keyword list that people were working on at all.  Would like to know where that went - was helping some people out there.

I think the keyword list discussion "Censorship Keyword List" has been removed.  I replied to it and it no longer shows in my Recent Activity.  Go figure.


Public parts of LL properties are considered General by default, including the forums. Discussions that themselves push the limit of General will most likely get put here, assuming more adult conversation is allowed in the Merchants Roundtable.

Something like the keywords list would most likely get deleted because it is in itself, not General by mentioning adult words and thus violates the rating to the forums themselves. I'd expect post content to at some point also come under the Maturity Ratings.

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