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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

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"Current world events have seen a lot of people returning to Second Life after a long time away from it, and they’re finding that things have changed in a big way. If they left SL prior to the beginning of 2012 they have no idea what mesh is. If they left prior to the end of 2015 they have no idea what Bento is. " Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I finally broke down and bought the new heads from the Lelutka Evolution line to take advantage of the reduced prices during the pandemic. I’m still in love with my Genus head but considering all that is going on with Genus at the moment, I thought it would be a good idea to have an alternative just in case things don’t work out in favor of Genus. My fingers are cross for them! In the meantime, I’m going to give my 2 cent review of the Lelutka head below." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"The 7th Annual RelayStock Returns May 15-17. With Live Performers, DJs and Fun. Its 3 Days of Peace, Love, Music & Hope in support of the Relay For Life. 40 Teams have decorated their sites around a 60s style festival stage.   RFL vendors with groovy things for sale at the team sites.  A beautiful venue to explore with many areas. The RelayStock Stage is jammed packed full of entertainment!" Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"So i’m back… kinda. For those who are curious, no, i did not get the virus.  i did have a bit of a scare and was forced to get tested, but my results came back negative, thankfully.  i still have a pretty nasty cough, though, so there are times that i just don’t feel like doing anything." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"Hi Fabulous Friends!! How about adding some color to your life? It picks you up, makes you happy, confident and don’t forget FABULOUS! I have been checking out all the gifts for the Stay at Home Club. Did you know the designers change these all the time…this was news to me soooo off i went and found some awesome free gifts for you!" Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"It’s time to highlight another week of storytelling in Voice by the staff and volunteers at the Seanchai Library. As always, all times SLT, and events are held at the Library’s home at Holly Kai Park, unless otherwise indicated. Note that the schedule below may be subject to change during the week, please refer to the Seanchai Library website for the latest information through the week." Read more on the blog.

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