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Love Zhaoying

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Love Zhaoying last won the day on April 24

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    Neko Lion

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  1. Can't tell you the real secret, it wouldn't be a secret.
  2. Good catch. I was thrown off by the fact Thune's website listed PayPal and a couple others that I consider "US services", although I had read the bit about "48 US" etc. too!
  3. Not the "literal" database, after some transition period Thune would convert the Tilia data from the Tilia database, into the format for the database used by the Thune ERP. ETA: Of course they're "buying" but probably won't use much of the Tilia software after any conversion period. Unless somehow, Thune has zero US payment gateways (which makes little sense). I have to assume Thune had the better software and will "win", except any interface to SL, etc.
  4. It makes sense that LL sets the "exchange rate" and tell Tilia / Thune, "use this exchange rate". Just like other currencies, where the rate is either set by the country / government ("tie ours to the USD"), or where it is set to a "market rate". In the case of L$, the "market rate" is set by LL itself.
  5. If I became Premium years before Tilia (on my main and my Alt), would I have been asked later to accept Tilia T&A? I seem to have a dim memory of it.
  6. Suddenly, setting a fixed L$<=>USD exchange rate makes sense, kinda.
  7. I would hope it bypasses Tilia, since it is a "direct payment" and Tilia / Thune shouldn't get a cut! Except, LL and users will benefit by "all payments going through Thune", since they will have more "payment methods".
  8. Yeah, people need to check memes closely before posting.
  9. My question was really about buying L$ (and selling, which doesn't impact me). If Thunes were to own the exchange RATE, that sounds bad.
  10. When I first saw Angel (in whichever X-Men movie), I was very happy since I have RL angel wing tattoos.
  11. Well, I would hope that only LL can define the exchange rate for L$/USD!
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