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  1. So it came out this way: For the object: integer ch=-19020555;//Channel for reception(Number same as a transmission channel) integer fullbright;default{ state_entry() { llListen(ch,"",NULL_KEY,""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, fullbright = !fullbright]);}} For the Button: integer ch=-19020555;             default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llRegionSay (ch,"Gotcha"); }} And as you said, it works like a charm! I placed the working version here in case other people need it. Tysvm for your help, really appreciated!
  2. Thanks guys, I came up with this for the object I want bright: integer ch=-19020555;//Channel for reception(Number same as a transmission channel) integer fullbright;default{ listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, fullbright = !fullbright]);}} The problem now sure is the script I want to place in the HUD button, I came up with this but I know it is wrong as it doesn't work, can anyone point where did I go wrong please? I've no idea. integer ch=-19020555;             default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llRegionSay (ch,""); }} Also, do I need to rename the scripts to a specific name to make it work?
  3. I have this script: integer fullbright;default{touch_start(integer t){llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, fullbright = !fullbright]);}} But I don't want to use the llRegionSay as it would require to enter a chat command? I just want a script that I can place in a button in the HUD that will comunicate with the object and turn the bright on/off with a click on the HUD button (not at the item itself).
  4. I'm looking for a simple full bright script that I can place in an object and command it on/off via hud, does anyone know of one please? tyvm
  5. lol yes, it worked now thank you
  6. Hi Madalaine , I tried the script in world but it gives me some sort of error when saved: 12,5 ERROR Syntax error, would you know how to fix it?
  7. I don't get why people get so aggressive when a newbie makes a question if it's in the wrong forum. Less energy spent just redirecting the person to the right one. Anyway, not here to start a war, I just made a question, you replied and I asked you to be more specific (see the smile in the end of my answer, that means I was being friendly although I stated if I knew what to do I'd not be searching for help) then I got my answer from someone who saw what I meant, simple as that. Yes, that was my first question ever and probably the last. Don't need to be bashed if I make a mistake of posting a question at the wrong forum. Anyway, I'm off here, as internet arguing isn't my cup of tea. Peace to you too.
  8. Rolig Loon, sorry you are making fuss for nothing. I got here because I was trying to make that myself and found difficulties so I thought searching for help. Of course I could hire someone or I could have gotten the 5th doors script on MarketPlace for another try so after a research I saw someone making the same question here to a different type of door script. He was kindly helped and thought I'd find the same help. Were we posting at the wrong forum? Maybe. But nothing like a nice way of saying things to people. Specially if they never posted before. Anyway, thanks for your input. Sort of passive aggressive but valuable for forum newbies. Peace.
  9. Thanks Madalaine, kindness appreciated for this forum newbie, cheers
  10. erm thanks but f I knew what that is I'd not be here, be more specific please
  11. Heelo all :) How do I add "open" and "close" sounds (on touch) to the following script please? I already have the sounds :) //-- 90 degrees around z axis, use - 90 to reverse direction vector vDegSwing = <0, 0, -90>; rotation vRotSwing; //-- 10.0 seconds till auto close float vFltTmt = 5.0; float vFltOpn; uDoor(){ llSetLocalRot( (vRotSwing = ZERO_ROTATION / vRotSwing) * llGetLocalRot() ); llSetTimerEvent( (vFltOpn = (float)(!((integer)vFltOpn)) * vFltTmt) ); //-- small hack to get around logical not with floats } default{ state_entry(){ vRotSwing = llEuler2Rot( vDegSwing * DEG_TO_RAD ); // convert to rotation } touch_start( integer vIntNull ){ uDoor(); } timer(){ if (vFltOpn){ uDoor(); } } }
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