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  1. Whats wrong? You upset that you can't get your little cult of one going here in SL? I heard you can't even operate SL properly because you can't figure out how to use it. My simple advice for you is to stay put in RLC, after all you do have your little pet World Op's Moderator Kendrick over there to protect you at every chance. Have fun here if you have the intelligence to figure out how to operate in SL. (I sincerely doubt that you do). Ta-ta!
  2. Post your proof that I was banned from RLC! Put your money where your mouth is. Either way I'll be seeing you real soon around the grid. And I'm the stalker? Really Cher. All the people from here have to do is cruise over to the RLC forum and they'll be able to see first hand how much of a miserable troll you truly are. How you love to poke and prod the moderator over there and accuse people of things that they truly aren't. Enjoy your stay here in SL I'm sure it will be a short stay.
  3. Well well!!! So glad to see that you made it here to these forums. I can see the same old same old that you did on the RLC forum that you are doing here. To bad these people can see right through your sheep's clothing and the wolf that lurks underneath. Just an FYI there is no "we" in the AOG. There is only Cher and the multitude of alts that were created---some of which she forgets about. I'm sure up next will be Angel Dawn and Angel Joan. Wait until you get a load of those characters that were created by this person. Looks to me as if you are getting a resounding F for the trolling here on these forums. Might I suggest you toddle along back to RLC and troll there---oh wait you're trolling both virtual worlds. You must be bored. Have fun!! I'll be waiting for you to take you down a few pegs (speaking RP wise).
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