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  1. First, excuse me for my poor english talk and knowledge, I really don t speak english well. SL is full of rl need.... it's a land of lost rl dreams. Because sometime things have no way to be in rl, because you don t think there is a way to be. SL is a free social area, but it means something else: You have to pay much for this freedom: all what can implicate you and work on you in rl as a natural relationship, people calling, meeting, aren t there in sl. You can find chat, you can find talk, but it will never go somewhere real (or it's much rare). Being sad, feeling alone, is not a bad way. Because sometime, when you feel alone, far from others, you create the need to go to them in rl and some special way for this. Using sl in this way will create a false way to do, thinking the need over, but its in same time making it bigger and you more lonely rl. Time spend in sl for this, is at final a time lost rl in this. When you ll see yourself behind, seeing all meet you had in sl, all sl talk,and that now nothihg really stay, specially when the computer is close, all was like an illusion. No one will call rl. It's just something to see well when using sl. I remember a movie, Kairo. In it, there was a programm created by student making some atoms going to each other atoms like a need, but disapearing when meet each other, it'sa nice symbolic of modern communication but.... there is a way to make it becoming something nice rl, a way to go inside your need in sl, and resolve some rl conflict in this. Find the solution of yourself if you need it. But it's important to know this timelost notion. There are some way for the lost dreams to become new, to change and evoluate in sl, changing yourself in something better rl too. Because sometime rl don t give much, become so poor for people. SL time is suspend, nothing in it getting older, sick, dying... only you in rl this time. That's life. Sl have a nice part of creativity, work, shops....but i feel it still like a virtual way. Becoming rich in sl is always something at final virtual too. I have begun on blender and wings, Qavimator and others things. But in the need to continue i haven t stayed only in sl, using more sophisticate programm to make my own virtual world Yep we are all crazy the same So the most important thing: take care about what you are ready to give to sl. That s all. I wish to all some beautiful dreams and some beautiful times rl and sl for this new year
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