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  1. I'm using Jass to make objects for clothes in SL. Is there a way to add images to use as materials? Such as an external tga or png with transparent areas that I can apply to an object within Jass...
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've tried this function, which works well when I simply attach the object. But my script attaches the object when it is touched, and for some reason, it only tells me the object has been attached AFTER I drop it. It's not a big deal though, I can pretty much use that.
  3. I want to add a function to my script that contains events that will happen when an object is dropped. I.e. the avatar will be holding something, and when they click "drop" on the object, I want something to happen. Is there a function for this? Or another way to do it?
  4. I have sent you a private message via your account on here.
  5. How do I get/create this openjpeg-dotnet.dll file?
  6. I've made sure that full permissions are set on the "Primstar" prim, and have changed the name (before exporting of course) of "Torus X.001" to just "Torus" but I'm still getting the same issue.
  7. Hi, thanks for the reply. I have just two prims and no copied parts. When I export them I have two maps (.tga files). Here is a copy of the lsl script: // Created with Primstar 1.1.0 from http://dominodesigns.info// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/// Do not delete the attribution and license information unless you have// purchased a commercial license for Primstar from Domino Designs.integer multi = TRUE;list textures = ["Torus X.001", "Cylinder"];vector myPos;integer tI;string tS;key tK;key crate = "bcf02ab6-1cf8-fc38-0a50-94f9cf1c6c8b";integer isKey(key in){ if(in) return 2; return (in == NULL_KEY);}addPrim( string prim ){ llRezObject(prim, myPos, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0 );}default{ state_entry() { llSetObjectName( "Primstar - Torus X.001" ); llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, crate, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0 ] ); if ( llGetInventoryType( "Primstar" ) != INVENTORY_OBJECT ) { llOwnerSay( "Please add a prim called \"Primstar\" to my contents" ); state needs_something; } tI = llGetListLength( textures ); while ( tI ){ tI = tI - 1; tS = llList2String( textures, tI ); if ( isKey( tS ) == 0 ) { if ( llGetInventoryType( tS ) != INVENTORY_TEXTURE ) { llOwnerSay( "Please add texture \"" + tS + "\" to my contents" ); state needs_something; } } } if ( multi ) { llRequestPermissions( llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS ); } else { state ready; } } run_time_permissions( integer perm ) { if ( perm & PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS ) { state ready; } else { llOwnerSay( "You must give link permissions for the build to work. Click to try again." ); state needs_something; } }}state ready{ state_entry() { llOwnerSay( "Ready to build. Click to start." ); } touch_start( integer num ) { if ( llDetectedKey ( 0 ) == llGetOwner() ) { state build; } }}state build{ state_entry() { myPos = llGetPos(); llSetRot( ZERO_ROTATION ); llOwnerSay( "Building" ); addPrim( "Primstar" ); } object_rez( key id ) { llCreateLink(id, TRUE ); } changed( integer change ) { if ( change & CHANGED_LINK ) { tI = llGetNumberOfPrims() - 1; llOwnerSay( "Configuring Prim " + (string)tI); if ( tI == 1 ) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams( 2, [ PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT, "Cylinder", PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER, PRIM_SIZE, < 2.19875, 1.99577, 1.13357 >, PRIM_ROTATION, < 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000 >, PRIM_POSITION, < 0.00368, -0.00000, 0.44672 > ] ); addPrim( "Primstar" ); } else if (tI > 0 ) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams( 2, [ PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT, "Torus X.001", PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER, PRIM_SIZE, < 2.19875, 1.99577, 1.13357 >, PRIM_ROTATION, < 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000 >, PRIM_POSITION, < 0.00403, 0.00606, 1.32637 > ] ); llBreakLink( 1 ); } else { llOwnerSay( "Finished!" ); state ready; } } }}state needs_something{ on_rez( integer num) { state default; } changed( integer change ) { if ( change & CHANGED_INVENTORY ) { state default; } } touch_start( integer num ) { if ( llDetectedKey ( 0 ) == llGetOwner() ) { state default; } }}
  8. I've been recently going through the tutorial videos on : http://blog.machinimatrix.org/3d-creation/video-tutorials/sculpties-basic-tutorials/sculpted-prims-part-iii/ It's this video (Sculpted prims part III), that I am stuck on. When I load all the files into SL (as described in the video), and click the box, it only loads the FIRST prim and none of the others :/ Here is a short tutorial on what I'm generally trying to do (exported multiple prims and load into SL): http://robynhuffaker.com/sculptblender/2010/03/21/multi-sculptie-builds/ I've been stuck on this for hours today, messing about with all different ways of exporting and saving maps etc. Can anyone help?
  9. I am trying to create a menu that opens up when a prim is touched. The only solution I've been able to find it to use a dialog box. However, this doesn't allow me to adjust the size of the buttons, and most of the text that is going on these buttons will be long sentences. Is there any other way for me to create a clickable menu?
  10. I have a few questions regarding lib openmetaverse, being used to create a bot in second life. 1. Is there a method for an event for when the bot is touched? i.e. when some other avatar clicks the bot - do something... If not... then can I add something to the menu that appears when the bot is right clicked? 2. Where about in the API should I be looking to create a menu? E.g. a menu that appears (e.g. when the bot is clicked), that shows a selection of options, that the user(clicked) can select? I'm pretty new to C#, so I'm not sure about this stuff. Although I have programmed using Java for a few years.
  11. Thanks for your responses. Unfortunately I've tried all these suggestions and nothing seems to be fixing it
  12. I'm creating a bot using Lib OpenMetaVerse. I've managed to get it logged in but for some reason the avatar only displays as red smoke... I've used a C# script from wiki page. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  13. Hey there, I'm from the UK too and looking for new friends. I've sent you a friend request on SL
  14. Desculpe, eu não falo Português. Eu quero que você PM
  15. I have one big prim, that when clicked on, the avatar holds up their hands/reaches up. I only want the avatar to do this animation ONLY IF they are holding a certain object (object a) So, basically what I'm asking is, in the script for the big prim, how do I add a condition that basically says "if the user is holding object a - do this"?
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