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Nour Galicia

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  1. i have 2 accounts one i use daily the other one is more a piggybank for me.. anyway i can log the daily one in and get login failed.. (never had this before) when i try the other one.. no problems... whats up woth that?? please help
  2. somebody used a hud to make me fart all the time!!! how do i get rid of it!! HELPPPP
  3. i mostly buy my linden dollars tru lindeX. this usually goes very well but then all of a sudden it doest go tru and gives me an email that says the following An attempt to purchase Linden Dollars for your account via the LindeX page on secondlife.com has failed. i checked my limits on Paypal and they are fine. besides i bought money this morning and now i cant.... if i wait a few days i can buy again.. but i want to buy now! whats wrong??
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