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  1. It's Christmas once again. Do you have an object of Christ hanging from a cross above your bed in your free Linden home? If not then perhaps a statue of his mother, the only virgin Mary? Merry Holidays to all.
  2. Rudi, I think it is time for you to just let this go as you will not get through to this over emotional woman...note the extraction of the 'gentle'...there are some people, both men and women in this world, that get a lot of enjoyment from just being upset and provoking others to make themselves so...this Arnott gal is one of these people...her world obviously is lacking an awful lot to go to such lengths in her cries for attention. I didn't like the poem as I think it came from the heart...she obviously does so lets leave it at that and allow her to climb back into the hole in the ground she came from. Certainly dont let a cretin like this bring you so much joy...its just a poem and only means anything to those that enjoy it.
  3. Anaiya Ahren wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Anaiya Ahren wrote: Reasonable person: "So what did you do with your life? " Resident Troll: "I trolled SL forums? Am I clever or what?" Reasonable person: "Or what." I fail to understand the point you're trying to make with this post. I'm sure most people who actually troll this forum wouldn't count that activity as being the crowning achievement of their life. I'm sure anyone who managed to chew through every unique last name LL ever implemented wouldn't have any time to achieve anything else. As I Livia and breathe I've always wondered why Trill's troll? Please don't tell me, I want to figure it out without help.
  4. Anaiya Ahren wrote: Reasonable person: "So what did you do with your life? " Resident Trill: "I troll SL forums? Am I clever or what?" Reasonable person: "Or what." FIFY! ;-)
  5. No one ever loved me more today than yesterday, or love me more so tomorrow. I therefore have nothing to look forward to when tomorrow comes around. Is this as good as it gets?
  6. For my birthday last year I purchased a miror. As I was leaving the pharmacy I dropped it and it broke I am superstitious.
  7. I once tried playing golf, BroKen, (please excuse my dyslexia ) and they even invited me to return the following day. I didn't realize until I arrived that next day that they invited me to return only to apologize for my previous outing.
  8. Some will say you are wasting your hug on someone like me.
  9. 100 views, and not even one person sent a hug.
  10. Today was not the first time I had to both light and blow out the candles.
  11. Do you know how frustrating it is to play frisbee all by yourself?
  12. I threw a party, but no one showed.
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