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Bandito Razor

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  1. I would argue that sex can be a perfectly fine topic of conversation, depending on the content. I can have perfectly mature conversations on the subject that do not desolve into half-coherent and cliche pickup lines. I suspect the subject comes up so much on SL because people can talk about things they would normally be ashamed of if they had to do it as themselves. SL allows people who would normally be cowards about the subject to speak about it from behind the shield of an avatar. I personally talk on SL the same damn way I do in my first life, but not everyone has that ability to over come fear in real life. (Which is a pity) But people should learn there is a difference between expressing views on sex/sexual encounters/fantasys... and going up to random people looking for a cyber**bleep** -shrug-
  2. Hey, some of us Americans kick ass thank you Just.. you know none of the ones in power....v . v
  3. Wouldnt false friends be people who PRETEND to be your friend while being a douche behind your back?
  4. Free Gifts, pretty much. I spend L$ when I have em, of course, but I stay in the shop groups for those free daily, weekly, or monthly gifts.
  5. Dude, if after talking to someone on SL for 2+ years, if you can't get past the fact they scratch their arms or don't look people in the eyes (Hey, they can capture my soul) or the fact they wear a tin hat.... Well, it wasn't a good strong friendship to begin with. I mean hell, one person I recently met in RL from SL is a Tea Party member. If I can over look THAT, I can easily over look the dead birds in the freezer
  6. This, the "lack of risk", is the very reason I don't understand why someone would want to keep all their SL relationships as just SL. Life is ABOUT risk, over coming the fear that says "but they won't like me" or "something could go wrong". Everything is a chance, so I figure why not meet it head on?
  7. I have seen a handful of people from Second Life in First Life, though the majority of people I find just can't make that leap. Some SL friends I have had, over the years, have been really good friends and others well... some people just like drama for drama's sake lol. I do think that SL can only take it so far, however. I think that if you are friends/lovers but fear to talk face to face, then the relationship is most likely not as strong as those involved would like to believe. /shrug.
  8. Here is the thing. Anyone wanna raise their hands who believe Linden Labs wouldnt sell the same info if offered the right money? Tons of people on FB have their RL pics as part of the 1st life profile. And if you don't put your real pic on FB, they can't bring up your RL info on FB. Also, FB has lost people because of Google +. G+ is the "new hotness", and there are people who will always race off to the "newest shiny".
  9. But without risk, there is no growth. Life without risk is like a pool of water without a stream feeding into it. It stagnats, it does not grow, nor change. I know the risks I run means getting hurt, but hell, I figure I could get hurt even if I don't risk anything... cause other people can still hurt you even if you huddle away from anything "chancy". A wise woman once told me, and I think she stole it from someone else, : "Your friends ARE going to hurt you. You ARE going to hurt your friends. The real question is if those involved can look past that hurt to forgive."
  10. Hell, there are more bad people off of second life then good... so it stands to reason there are more bad people on second life then good. But I am sure it has NOTHING to do with the American dream being "greed is good" or anything like that. /innocent_whistle
  11. God knows it is easy to get bitter due to Life, both your real life and second life (Which blend). I tell everyone, and I truly mean it, that so long as you give 100% and you can go to sleep that night knowing you did not hide, that you did not let fear control you, that you did not run from risks... then you can at least sleep knowing you are trying to live your life as much as possible.
  12. Freedom of speech is a lot like having the Freedom to Swing my arms about... it ends at the point where your arm his my damn nose. Freedom of speech is NOT the same as "Freedom to say any ignorant thing that is generally offensive just because I have a chip on my shoulder." @OP: Sadly, in life (notice I didn't say SL/RL. They are both part of LIFE) we all make friends who end up doing something stupid/bad/ect. You are at least shoving past the fear of it happening again, and you are putting yourself out there. Better then some who would have put their head in a hole and just hidden. Feel free to contact me on SL or on FB (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002505390862) if you want to talk. (Warning: I admit I am opinionated but I try to be so in a funny way )
  13. Heck, some of the oldies could benefit from haunting the forums imho Welcome to SL, and feel free to hit me in game if you want to.
  14. I don't have this problem as I tend to be a very social person, both off and on SL. If there is a conversation that I am interested in, I have no problem leaping in (such as when at a club or something) However, if you want feel free to IM me (Bandito Razor in world) if you want to talk. Heck, chances are I will end up sending you an IM to talk myself
  15. To be fair, dr Phill is a crock so... Life 2.0 was the only OWN aired thing I have seen and it promoted me to get back into SL, but with my eyes a bit more open then from before I quit.
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